Wednesday, October 03, 2012

10 minute table runner {Day 4}

Welcome here!  We are day 4 of the 31 day challenge.  If you'd like to start at the very beginning you can use the links below.

Day 1 - A Creative Bone
Day 2 - Creativity in the Word
Day 3 - Words for Wednesday - Descent

Today, my plan is to try and give you a quick project that you can use in your thanksgiving celebrations.  For us Canadians, that would be this weekend, however, I love the theme of giving thanks so we will continue on that for the rest of the month and as a bonus feature for my American readers.

I have never attempted a tutorial before!  This isn't my idea, you can search 10 minute table runner on Youtube and see better tutorials than this one will be, however, I hope you'll humour me and play along at my first attempt.  This really did take only 10 minutes, but I didn't count choosing my fabric because that took a long time!

Choose 2 fabrics that compliment one another.
Use the width of the fabric (if they aren't the same width, trim to same width).
Cut your feature fabric 12" wide x width of fabric
Cut your backing fabric 18" wide x width of fabric

These are the 2 fabrics I chose.  Teddy bear fabric is the feature fabric.
Place right sides together and sew the long sides.  One will be wider than the other but don't worry about that you'll see why soon enough!
Right sides together.

Use a 1/4" seam

What it looks like after it is sewn.

Turn it right side out and center the feature fabric

Press, making sure that your borders are even. (I didn't trim my fabrics to the same width until after I sewed.)

Fold in half lengthwise and sew across short end. (Feature fabric on the outside.)

Fold out and turn.

Press your 10 minute runner and you're done!

I added a little embellishment with a button

There it is on my table!!!  So easy


Right Perfume said...
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