
Saturday, January 29, 2005


Announcement #1
My honey's grandma passed away last week. We were in Swift Current on Monday celebrating her life. It truly was a celebration. Some of the cousins got together to sing, "Blessed Be YOur Name." during the memorial. As it so happens, there are a few rather talented cousins in the mix and it totally rocked. What fun. Better yet, grandma's death seems to have birthed a desire for more connectedness amongst said cousins. Could be alot of fun.

Announcement #2

My sister is having a baby - this is way cool because they thought they were so done but TA DA!! not yet. This will be babe 5 for the happy couple. What is so cool is that a friend told me about a prophecy that was given concerning babies conceived between Sept and Dec, 2004 - that people who are not planning, anticipating or necessarily even wanting to become pregnant- would and that those babies would have a 'harvest anointing'. We have got one of those on the way! I'm jazzed!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I know of two babies that were conceived in was very unplanned!


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