
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

great quote

I picked up this quote from Intent:

"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble."

Helen Keller


  1. Totally needed that today! Now I'm going to do the small things that are actually big things!!!!

  2. I was just reading about that in my book, how we need to do the little things with joy in our hearts, and when we do we are worshiping God and bringing honor to His name!! It's so encouraging because as a stay at home mom, sometimes you wonder what you're doing, if anything.....
    Bless you, thanks for sharing

  3. Amen.

    As a stay at home mom for the last eight years it has crossed my mind many times did I made the right choice to stay home...that question does not stay long...I am learning that I may not have jobs that are glamous but the ones I do have are from God and they are to be done as if they are great and noble!

    I had to chuckle today a friend (and you know who you are...) commented that she needed to go because her little men needed to go pee...this made me laugh, but when done to serve another and honor God it is added to those jobs done as if they are great and noble.


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