
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

House Update, etc.

Here's the current bit.

1. Our financing has gone through! Yeah!
2. We placed an offer on Sam and Vi's house and it has been accepted!
3. Still gotta sell our house.
4. I realized I needed to repent...

My head knows one thing and my flesh says another. This ought not to be. James would say I am being double-minded and therefore I should not expect the Lord to answer my prayers. My head knows, through God's word and through MANY past experiences that God will do what He says. He has repeatedly told us to rest, that HE would sell our house and this would all happen. My heart and flesh have steadfastly refused to believe that even though I have declared with my mouth that this was true. I have been harbouring unbelief in my heart and should not expect that God would hear my prayers and answer them. Many of you are watching, waiting and believing with us that all of this would come to pass. Today, I have repented of my unbelief and will turn my heart to the Lord who know the times and places in which He wants us to live.

The other thing I realized this morning is that this isn't all about ME!! Surprise, surprise. Kelly pointed out to me the other day that Sam and Vi have way more at stake here than we do. They have a set moving date, they are going, house sold or not. They will be the ones left with the burden should our house not sell (not that God couldn't sell it to someone else). They are firmly convinced that the deal will go through, and are standing with us to give us the blessing of their home. I have been very selfish in my prayers, thinking only of myself and the effect that this has on my family. So I had to repent of that, too.

So there you have it. the house update!

Here's a cool little aside. Our friends were just approved for a Habitat house. Their future home will only be a few blocks away from us. They are worship leaders. We are worship leaders. We have friends who are worship leaders that already live a block away from our new house. We have other friends a couple blocks away that are worshippers. And I just found out another couple who recently started attending our church live in the area and are worship people, too. HMMMMM think God may be up to something here? Maybe a little transformation of Pleasant Hill to become what its name says it is, a pleasant hill (for those of you who aren't familiar with our fair city, Pleasant Hill is probably the poorest, economic zone of our city).


  1. Not probably Lani, the poorest. The last news I heard about the economic state of Pleasent Hill was it was actually one the worst in North America. It is comparable to South Central Los Angles, parts of Harlem, or the South Side of Chicago. With some blocks being even worse that those neighbourhoods.

  2. Well then, looks like an area ripe for transformation!! Maybe a few more of our kind should move in there!!

  3. Guess I should read your blog more frequently, eh? If I had, I'd wouldn't have had to hold my breath at all. Welcome to the hood, neighbour.

  4. Just gotta pray in that buyer for our house!!

  5. Praise God for His wonderful works and ways. Thank you Lord that You're mighty and strong.
    Look out Pleasant Hill! The army of God is on it's way!
    I read your comment on Ranya's Superstore dillema, and I took your advice. I've been so sick of the craziness of Superstore for a long time now, and your comment just encouraged me to go with my gut. I climbed only one step up and went to Extra Foods and Lani, it was heavenly. Simply heavenly.

  6. Woohoo! God, I pray that you would lead the right people to Kelly & Lani's house in your perfect timing.

    You can keep praying for me, that I wouldn't "give way to fear" as we continue to pursue the idea of moving into our own "Harlem".

  7. Anonymous10:37 PM

    It's accually quite nice living in the inner city. You can sit on your front step for the Saturday night fights, have significant conversations with people that misplace you for drug dealers.... No, kidding aside God knows the desires of your heart and as you continue to follow him he will lead you. It seems he has you in a great place. I remember when we were waiting for our house, There was a great peace as we knew God was in control. So bless you as you wait for him to

  8. I really liked your home Lani, it will sell. The colours and character were inviting. As mentioned, resting in God, believing He will bring the right people, and lots of prayer, will be the recipe for success.

    Fresh Flowers, the journal, has bought much joy and blessing to my life. Thank you Lani, for all of the work you put into publishing this book, and for sharing your life with others.

    Lani, I am taking your advice: "I am leaving comments on other sites". It is hard to be bold, shyness and timidity tend to take over. Thank goodness for reminders from God's word: "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and self-discipline." 1 Timothy 1:7

    It seems there are a few bloggers from Saskatoon who have left comments here...hello to all. I personally have never lived on the westside, perhaps one day, for now this eastsider will keep checking in for updates from Pleasant Hill. Maybe someday all the worship leaders in the community will get together for a block music fest, then I will come to worship...


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