
Monday, June 13, 2005

I've been Book Tagged

I've been tagged by Sparrow at Intent
for the latest book meme.

Total books owned, ever ~
oh my goodness, just for fun I figured I'd count just what is in our bedroom in the tiniest bookshelf, there's over 100 there. We've given away tons, and then there's kids books. We are both avid readers and our kids love books, it's gotta number over 1000.

Last book I bought ~ Grace Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel

Last book I read ~ Like all the way through? Hmmm, I think it was a novel I picked up called Secrets of the Heart by A. Lacy (a mail order bride historical novel) It wasn't that thrilling but it was good for a lazy Sunday afternoon.

5 books that mean a lot to me: As Sparrow said, the Bible is a given soooooooooo....

1. The Chronicles of Narnia (the set): I can read those a hundred times and never be bored.
2. Lucy Maud Montgomery's books, particularly the Emily Series - Emily is an aspiring writer, an orphan and an 'unusual' child, her story touched my heart (it was from this series I got the inspiration for 'fresh flowers').
3. Out of Control and Loving It
and The True Measure of a Woman by Lisa Bevere - really helped me get a handle on my identity as a woman, a wife and a child of God
4. My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers, don't know if this counts since it's a devotional but it always blesses me, I used to have 2 copies, now I have none, I am sad about that.
5. 'fresh flowers - an inspirational journal' written by ME!! That may seem a little self-centered but it was a dream come true to print that book and have my name on it. It means a HUGE amount to me.

So now I have to tag other people to answer the questions above. Then you tag someone else! So I'm gonna tag..........Worship Warrior, CWG, Camille, Sarah and Robyn! Have fun


  1. Okay Lani my friend since you tagged me go and read my post! LOL I still like your website a lot, and I noticed the link to blogger templates thanks Lani.

  2. ok i understand now!!

    the old game of tag!


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