
Thursday, June 23, 2005

we are wimps

I know that some will disagree with me but I can't believe how wimpy we Canadian people have become! I got to watch a play the other night that depicted the life of settlers to our fair but harsh land. The powers of nature that they had to overcome without benefit of electricity, heat, running water, air conditioning, power tools or pants. I was whining to myself the other day because I had to turn on my oven to cook supper which was going to heat up the kitchen to a nasty temperature. Along with that I needed to run the dishwasher, once again causing heat in my kitchen. Suddenly I stopped and chided myself. If I really don't want to bake bread I can run to the store and get some. If I want to get cool I can go somewhere that is. I can throw my clothing in a machine that takes care of the washing for me - no heating water, scrubbing with harsh soaps and then hanging things out.

We complain about our weather and at the same time have a weird sense of pride on how cold it really can get here, like we have something to do with that. But for the most part we run from our heated houses to our heated garages to get into our heated cars then drive to another heated parking spot and complain to everyone we see how bitterly cold it is! Yeesh

That's my argument, we're wimps, at least I am.


  1. You my dear have a vaild point. I know one person who boldly proclaims "the colder the better", but I have never seen them wear a parka for the very reasons you mentioned.

    I will admit that I often prefer cold to hot because I can always put another layer on but even if I were to go 'au naturale' I could still be too hot on some days - such as yesterday for example.

    And now that I have imbedded a thought in your head that you never wanted to have I will shut-up

  2. I totally agree Rene! I have always felt that about cold versus hot. It's not like you can take off your skin right? But on the same note, FlowerLady you are so right, we are complainers! We should be blessed that we have such diverse weather. We get to experience all different kinds, without the natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes and We're not without the sun for months like up in the territories. May we remember how blessed we are here....

  3. I agree. On another subject...
    What weekend was that family worship thingy you guys asked us about? And when should we get together?

  4. yeah, the last couple of days were WAY too hot for me! I think I prefer the cold, good reasons to wear sweaters, slippers and drink hot tea, cider and chocolate. Good reasons to not go outside!

  5. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I think that complaining speaks to the attitudes of our hearts. If we wake up and give thanks to God for the day, we cannot then turn around and complain to him about what he has given us. The bible talks about doing everything with thanksgiving. Henry has taught me so much about being thankful that now I give thanks for all weather, although asking for some shade or a breeze would be great once in awhile. Great post.

  6. I complained on Tuesday that it was just way to hot then on Friday I was all bundled up because I was being wimpy about the cold...did James tell us not to complain so much...???lol

    I am a wimp also Lani.

  7. another thought:

    Today my husband, a few close friends, and I went walking around the Nutana school area. Grace United Church is an amazing building. I was reading some of the history of how the church came to being build on that piece of land. When the first settlers came here to Saskatoon, they sat in that area and all there was, was a view of the river. No buildings, no friends, no conviences, I just can not imagine.

    I am a wimp.


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