
Wednesday, July 13, 2005

in need of encouragement

Carebear, here's the link to that post on Intent. And for anyone else who cares to read it!

Anyway, today I could use some encouragement. My site is dedicated to the encouragement of others but today I could use some. This house selling thing is weighing heavy today - or should I say house NOT selling thing. Our friends have moved, they gave us keys to their house. We can go and start doing whatever work needs to be done as we please, but somehow it just doesn't feel quite right when there's absolutely nothing happening with our own home. We haven't even heard from our real estate agent in the last 10 days. There's a house 2 doors down from ours that has been for sale for about a year already. This is not encouraging. One street up things are moving, but not here.

My sister is in the hospital trying not to have a baby (she's only at 32 weeks). It's hot and my house doesn't have air-conditioning. The kids don't want to go outside because it's either too hot or too many bugs (can't say I blame them).

Okay I guess that's enough pity party for one day. Sorry. This is me today.


  1. Bless you my sister for sharing your heart, and being real with us. I know it's so hard to remember that the battle belongs to the Lord. But it does. He will take care of you and your family and this house business. God encouraged me the other day with the story in Luke about Jesus asking his disciples to throw in the nets one more time. I find that when God asks me to trust in Him, I can do it relatively easily, but if nothing is changing, and after a long while He's still asking me to trust Him and to trust Him, it gets harder. Because part of me thinks well, if nothing has happened so far, why would my trusting Him do anything now? But Jesus said, cast your nets again, this time in deeper water. You know the rest. Cast your nets, see what happens this time!

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    hey there Lani,
    I could say the "STUFF" but you already know That God has all these things in his control.
    Hey as for the heat pick a afternoon bring the kids there waterguns and what ever else and come enjoy some tea and
    airconditioned mainfloor... YOU KNOW THAT THE DOOR IS OPEN...ALWAYS!
    Bless you today and rest in the knowladge of Gods peace for You and Your Family..
    Holly :)

  3. Wise words, nin. That sums it up. Look forward to his mercies being new every morning. You KNOW that tomorrow will be better. Even at the end of the day...

    Know you are not alone. Thanks for being you. (hugs)

  4. k, that post on intent was awesome and I will write a post on that in a while when I have time....Right now, gotta get this house in order, it's been so hot to clean!!!! The kitchen faces the south and is the hottest room in the house. My kids haven't had a warm meal in like a week! (other than oatmeal with hotwater (our microwave broke!))

    Thanks for sharing all that you do. bless you lots and lots!

  5. We've been cookin' on the grill whenever we can. Though yesterday Chris convinced me to bake cookies in the evening since it wasn't too hot. We made a HUGE batch, hopefully it will last us a while.


    Thanks so much for those words, they were a big encouragement. Just wish I knew how many more times the net has to go out!

    signed, trying REALLY hard to be patient and failing miserably


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