
Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Shopping Challenged?

I am shopping challenged. I needed to pick up a couple of things at Wally-world and the purses caught my eye. I've been wanting to buy myself a cool purse for a long time and I actually had some money to do it today. Most of my purses have been pretty boring and I use them for a looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg time. My current one will probably never fall apart. Anyway I loooked at quite a few and narrowed it down to two I liked, both red! I couldn't decide. I got my kids to vote on it. That wasn't productive *******sigh********** I didn't buy anything. Perhaps this is why my closet is so pathetic. I think perhaps I need some help, I probably shouldn't shop with my children along either. Though Chris did find a pretty little bracelet that he thought we should buy for me. Maybe that was making up for his comment earlier when I first stopped to look at the purses - he said, "Mom, you don't need a purse." Kinda throws a bit of cold water on the shopping fire. I could lone him out if anyone needs help curbing their spending hee-hee


  1. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Oh my goodness, lani. You need a red purse, you really do. Just like I need a pair of red shoes, even though I have nothing to wear them with. But I want them SOOOOOOO bad! :) (OK, enough little miss discontent for one night!)

  2. I'd be happy to go shopping with you anytime! I'm an expert "thrift shopper", and can find great stuff second hand, and I'm happy to share any expertise I might have.
    Laconiclogic, you and my hubby should get together, while me and your wife go shopping! :)

  3. Okay, how about Camilli, NIn and I go shopping and the boys can do whatever? Any takers?

    Sparrow, have you made your purse yet out of that gorgeous material on your site? I want to see it I really do, they were such pretty fabrics.


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