
Sunday, July 17, 2005


There isn't anything much sweeter to this mom than seeing my kids enter into relationship with their heavenly Daddy. At the beginning of the worship time this morning my little 18 month old turned his face to heaven and lifted his hands as the worship leader invited us to join in. It was beautiful.

This afternoon my little girl was playing off by herself when we heard her singing. Suddenly we tuned into her words. She was singing a prayer asking God to sell our house, then the song changed and she started singing His response to her which was, "I will, I will, I will........"



  1. wow, the blessing our children bring is amazing. Blessing to you and your family today. May it being much more 'sweetness' to you.

  2. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I missed your tough day. I'm sorry. But I will pray for you today anyway.

    It is neat to see the progression of God's work in you through the blog posts...fear and frustration to faith and praise.

    Keep walking, keep holding on, keep believing. He WILL do His work and it will be right and good.


  3. WOW, That is a touch of heaven when you see your kids seems to come very naturally to them. The song Abby was singing, sounded very close to her earthly daddy's songs...(Big smile)


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