
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

bits and pieces

There are so many things going on in my head, I need to get them out. Don't think much of these things are related to each other but at least they can stop ramming around in my head.

bit 1
Earlier this summer we got to participate in three very unique marriage experiences. One was a spiritual marriage, helping to reconcile the differences between French and English Canada. One was a traditional marriage ceremony for our friends. And the third was a renewal of marriage vows at a 25th wedding anniversary celebration. I think there's something significant in that but haven't quite figured out what exactly...

bit 2

We started home schooling yesterday. It was very fun. We got this new artbox thing and the kids couldn't wait to try it out but I told them it was for school and we couldn't use it until then. "Well, let's start Monday morning!" they said. So we did. I've so enjoyed watching them (the oldest three particularly) gel over this summer. There has been a lot of playing together that's gone on (lots of fighting, too). Bionicles and skateboards and rainy days have been a big part of that. Sleep-overs in each other's rooms. It's just been really good.

bit 3

We had an open house on Sunday afternoon. 10 couples came through and 5 of them said they wouldn't buy our house because of the painting that would have to be done. I think they were mostly referring to our kids bedrooms that are all done in mural/themes - Abby's is pink with butterflies, hearts, floors a tree and a lion painted on the wall. Christopher is underwater complete with a boat bottom on the ceiling and an underwater diver. Josiah has a desert race with a huge cactus, a gila monster, scorion and hot wheel cars painted in great detail. They love their rooms. Many people helped to complete that labor of love and the idea of painting over them for some would-be buyer to make them happy makes me cry. When I told the kids that might be what we have to do the looks on their faces broke my heart. I don't think I can do it unless there is a done deal on the table it will just take too much out of would be a huge step of faith or a huge step of presumption to do it. So for now, I won't. Another friend painted the Prairie Fire Music logo on the wall of my office as you come in the front door. It's a work of art, she did such a good job, we think we can just pop the whole piece of drywall off and save it. Frame it and hang it in Kelly's office.

bit 4

CWG and his wife are some of the best relationship keepers I know. They are truly amazing people. i'm guessing that there are alot of us who would call them friends. I've been thinking a lot about relationships and how much I've had to learn to get to where I am in the relationships I have managed to keep alive. It definately takes two way trying to keep relationship alive. We were counselling a dear soul last night on this fact. It is worth it to try again, to risk the hurt to put a relationship back together. if not for your own sake, or for the sake of the other person but definately for the sake of the kingdom of God. When we let our hurt and pain stop us from bridging the gaps we keep ourselves and the other person in prison. We lose, the other person loses and the enemy wins. We'll be held accountable by God as to why we didn't try again. In my own experience it is worth it, it may take years to fix it, but it IS worth it.

bit 5

I think we're gonna fire our real estate agent, or at least not renew the contract. I think we're gonna try to do it ourselves again. Does anyone know anyone who wants to buy a house, not just any house but ours in particular? Pray friends, pray. I would like to move!

bit 6

I'm making myself a birthday cake, it's tomorrow, butter pecan! yummmm tonite my mom and I are getting together to watch Canadian idol and quilt. Our other Tuesday night friends are in Regina and Calgary this week. So she's buying treats and we're hanging out.

bit 7

In reading many wonderful blogs (Moose, Holy Experience, Intent, Sonya's and a few others) God helped me see that He is enough once again. He's in control, he's got it together, and He wants to remind me that He loves me on a continual basis. Sometimes I forget and the peace of Christ is NOT ruling in my heart. It's up to me to come and taste and drink and have my fill, it's all there, waiting for me (and you).

I think that's all for now, got alot of quilting to do.


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    No wonder you had to get that stuff out of your head. I wouldn't have been able to sleep with that much in there...or I would have passed out. One or the other!

    And Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Thanks Sparrow and Rachy for your nice thoughts!!


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