
Thursday, August 11, 2005

house update

Well the bank called today, there was good news and bad news. The good news is that we managed to write a really good business plan. The bad news is that there is no way we'll get approved to have two mortgages and keep this house as a rental property. Which is fine, really. God has helped me get very dead to how this whole thing turns out - very surprising. I'm not worried anymore, just waiting. I'd still like to know what the whole of Plan A is. Was this just a big test to see if we'd be obedient? Is it a test for Sam and Vi (our friends who own the house)? I guess I could answer yes to both those questions cause they're pretty much a given.

So we're down to two options. Stay put or wait for the house to sell. Perhaps a really good offer will come on Sam and Vi's house and that will put an end to the whole thing. Or we'll get a good offer on our house, that, too would put an end to all of this. Either way, I'm good. Good to go, good to stay. This house is enough for now. That house has some great features that I'd love to have.

The only thing is now I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. Do I pack? Do I do more painting over there? How much of myself do I invest into that property before its really mine? What is faith and what is stupidity?

On another note, had tea with my pastor and his wife today. They're wonderful people and I really like them. Just want everyone to know.

Have you every wondered what your life would be like if you were a cheerleader? Cheering would be your job. You'd travel around and cheer....

No more anonymous comments will be allowed on this blog, sorry. Got some weird ones posting on the post below this, fortunately they aren't porn sites or anything, just ads, but still, our dear friend over at The Inner Room wasn't so fortunate. Be careful out there...


  1. Hi! I have recieved a couple of strange comments too, and also a few strange emails. Luckily on my email, they go into my bulk mail and I don't even open them. You just have to be careful these days, right?

  2. Have you ever watched "Sell this House"? We've learned a few things from it, as well as our agent. Our problem is, getting it I admire you for the way you are taking the steps as they become visible to you. Keep taking the next step! (August is suppposed to be a better month for selling...)


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