
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

icky schedules

Last night I started sorting through the details of Christopher's program from Hope Center, my homeschooling thoughts and household needs. I realized the painful truth. I am going to have to create a written schedule and stick to it. Ick. I don't like to actually write down schedules. I have a loose routine in my head that guides my week, but it isn't written down. Once I write something like that down I feel like I'm in jail. If I have to change it or modify I feel like a failure. I'm a pretty organized person, administratively gifted but I get bored easily whenever things look to much the same for too long. But to get everything done that needs to be done - I'm gonna have to bite the bullet, there's just no way around it. And then there will be the discipline required to make it happen - gonna have to bite that bullet, too.

Then if the move happens, which I'm still hoping and believing it will, well that will make everything even more interesting now won't it. Lord help me, I'm gonna need it.


  1. I just finished mine. I had to look at it long and hard, but it was the only way i could make sure that I was actually covering everything. I have all the things I need to get accomplished in a day and without a guide, things will get missed. This year, I really want to work on alone one on one time with each child. So I do have to "pencil" everyone in....
    From child training in chores to schoolwork, we will be busy this year!!!
    God will give you all the guidance you need on the road he's called you to.

  2. Good thing you have the Flylady...

  3. carebear - thanks for the encouragement, we've found 'dates' with our kids to be a good way to spend one on one time with them

    Cindy - yeah, flylady will definately be a big help

    blogless one - boundaries are probably a much better way to look at things than jail! I'm gonna have to figure out how to NOT feel like a failure if my box needs to change shape or gets crushed once in a while...character building, definately

  4. I am a "scheduler" and I have to be careful to allow some flexibility into my life! I would like to find some balance in this area during this school year!

  5. Your last two posts I can so connect with. Unfortunately, I'm still probably too immature to make that plan. I wonder what's inside us/our beliefs that make it so distasteful to build in too much structure into our lives? Something I'm starting to look at is my core beliefs about things. What's at the root of my attitudes and actions and decisions? Are they based on truth and things of God or are they distortions/fears/lies? Things like: my view of wealth, my view of work and how much of my life should feel like work (and therefore why do some things feel like work and others don't?)

  6. randi - I think I could flip into that pretty easily and then make everyone miserable with my task-orientation getting the better of me

    sonya - Personally I think failure is at the root of my not wanting to schedule. I don't want to see how far I've missed the mark, even though my expectations are usually WAY to big.

    sparrow - 'her little servants' - I like that, do I get to rub my hands together and cackle gleefully as I pin them to a wall?


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