
Monday, September 12, 2005


You've probably noticed that flowers aren't popping up quite so frequently anymore. Blogging has taken a much lower place on the priority list since homeschool has started in earnest. I thought I'd take a moment to write down some great things that God is doing...

I absolutely love home schooling and am not ashamed to admit it. All my life I wanted to be a teacher. I went to University and started my degree and realized I didn't agree at all with the philosophies behind the public education system and what I'd be forced to do as a teacher in that system. I quit.

We've entered into a lovely 'unforced rhythm of grace' in our approach to our school days and it's been going remarkably well. The boys have been mostly cooperative. I love watching their minds catch onto a concept. I love it when Christopher declares he doesn't need my help with the rest of the questions because he understands. I love it when he chants, "I did it in a zip!" and gets to put another sticker on his page. I love it that Sasha loves Thomas the Tank Engine and will watch it for awhile so I can do one on one time with the big guys.

On the house front - we are free of the shackles of real estate agent world once again. Hallelujah! We'll be putting the house back on in the next day or two - tell all your friends. I love hearing Sam pray for the buyer of our house, and for their dog, he is so full of faith.

Our financial mentor was over last night and continues to help us set up a financial framework that actually works for more than a week or two. Amazing and encouraging!

Our music business grew this year and we have more teaching hours than last year.

So far everything is going fine with the pregnancy. I love it when Abby prays and thanks God for our baby. The other day she asked God point blank to please not let this baby die like baby Channah did.

Our dear friend Joanne passed away last night. Home in glory after a long and difficult battle with cancer. she leaves behind a husband, three young children, many family and friends and a legacy of music.

We had a great weekend with our church family to kick off the start of the church calendar. What a lot of fun! Green Eggs and Ham rules - gotta be a box!!!

That's all for now....


  1. HI Fresh flowers friend,
    Robin encouraged me to check out your site and it truly is refreshing. Bless you as you blog my sister, you truly are a uniquely created flower. we will have to do coffee and catch up!

  2. Cool! I would have to agree with the blessings of being with your kids all day! I can't imagine life without them. To witness the fruit first hand....It's just great! When Isaiah prays, it is ALWAYS..."thank God that faith can be healthy, thank you that me and Noah don't fight, thank you God that mom doesn't eat so much, thank you for dad's going to get a new job, thank you thank you thank you...." it's never "I pray, I ask..."

    It's always, "thank you"
    The true prayer of faith.
    You being a box will be a memory that will last forever.

  3. Hi Jodi, welcome to the flower world! Coffee would be marvelous - tea even better :)

    Sarah - I knew you'd agree with me hee hee.

  4. i love your kids, and their faith! there's something about your kids that just makes me wanna squeeze 'em.

  5. Good to hear all do you approach prayer with sam? jacob doesn't pray much...I think we do it for him too much

  6. sparrow - I'm glad I can encourage you, you always encourage me, my friend

    sonya - I'll e-mail you, it would probably be too long for the comments box


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