
Friday, November 04, 2005

fresh flowers for Nov 4

Simple Solutions
©2005, lani wiens
a fresh flower original

A few days ago our internet shut down completely. Me, being the ‘worst case scenario’ thinker that I am immediately began to assess all the horrible and expensive things that may have happened. Turns out it was unplugged. Imagine that, an easy solution. Sometimes things really aren’t as bad as they look! I hope that this is an encouragement to you today. Perhaps there actually is a simple solution to whatever it is that you’re going through right now. You see I would have found the problem if I had simply gotten down on my knees. I thought about it, but I didn’t do it. Pretty typical, huh?

In God’s word He assures us that ALL things will be made into good things for those that love Him and are called according to His purpose. It may not look like it now, but God is redeeming the nastiness in our lives even as we speak, making them into good things that can affect your current life and the life of others for a bigger picture in a positive way.

Actually, that’s all I have to say for now. My little boy needs to get out of the tub and we’re on our way to BC for holidays as a family. I won’t be here next week so I pray that all is well with your soul until next time.

The flowerlady


  1. Very awesome flower! So so true. Thank you so much! Have lots of fun on your trip! May your family be blessed with unity and joy!

  2. Thank you for teaching me how to pick my own flowers. You have inspired us all to put God first and what he's trying to everyday, practical truths
    Thanks soo much
    have a great time


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