
Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Why am I always so shocked when God does something that He tells me He's going to do? We're moving! This week! God has opened the doors, moved things around and we're on our way to our new house.

I'll let you know all the details once I know them, but I'll be shutting this thing down here in the next few days and we'll be on our way.

He told me this was going to happen - that we'd be in our new house by the end of the year. I didn't quite believe it would happen. Oh me of little faith. Why didn't I believe? Cause I couldn't figure it out in my own puny brain.

The best part of all of this is we know for sure it was God because none of it came from us. I like that. Anyways...I'm a little wowed, etc. at the moment. I little nervous, a little scared, a little sad (I'll miss my neighbors). I can't think of anything more to say - my sweet princess and I are going to have some tea.


  1. Woo hoo! God is good. God is faithful. And everyone needs to re-read your previous blog entry. Because it just makes it all sweeter! Let the rejoicing begin!

  2. Yahhhh, I am going to call right away and come over to help.

  3. AAAAHHHHH!!!! wow! Hallelulia! Thats awesome! I love how God says merry christmas to us eh?


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