
Thursday, December 08, 2005

Today's musings

I just got home from dress rehersal for our church's Christmas Concert of the Heart. Wow!! We have some amazingly talented and wonderful people in our family. Singers, dancers, actors, artists all proclaiming the story of God. An amazing opportunity to proclaim Jesus. I am so thankful for all these incredible people that I call family. You should all come!

Today we saw another amazing thing. We had the full ultrasound of our tiny unborn babe. He or she weighs a little less than a pound right now but all the parts are there and working beautifully. It was awe-inspiring to see these fuzzy grey and black pictures of our new family member. What love burst within me as I looked into that tiny face whose jawline is just like Sam and Abby's and mine. Seeing little fingers and toes. We got to see that little one open up it's mouth wide in what looked like a laugh. Now I can hardly wait to hold that precious one in my arms.

We didn't get to see the gender, apparently we have a very modest child, wouldn't let us peek. Oh well, we can anticipate the surprise, I am definately hoping for a girl but the boys are all hoping for another boy, they don't think we have quite enough yet.

After the ultrasound Kelly and I went out for lunch all by ourselves. It wasn't even fast food. We had a lovely time talking about the things that God has shown us over this last week as we fasted and prayed into our house situation. Nothing has changed that we can see with our eyes but I think our hearts have been. The Jesse tree readings that I got from the internet all spoke about how God took people from one place to another for a specific purpose - Abraham, Jacob, Moses and Joshua.

Oh God grant me faith so that I can really see what your purpose is and to rest in the truth of who you are, the God who knew me before I was born and has planned the times and seasons of my life and the places in which I will live so that some might come to know YOu.



  1. i guess the gift of life never ceases to amaze us!! Even after 4 babies, right? I too hope it's a girl.
    Thanks for the words of encouragement and believe me, I do take courage knowing that Sam loves me!! He is such a blessing.

    love u guys!

  2. I too was blown away by our church Thursday night. What a wonderful church family we have. It almost seemed that the fellowship in the doing was more incredible than the concert itself. What awesome fellowship. As for children, ultra sounds and such :) Well...Ya got some great kids there, good parents involved in their lives methinks :) looking forward to meeting another Kelly or Lani in the future :) Bless yas -Moose

  3. Rod saw a new possible destination for us...we are intrigued and in prayer...pray with us...


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