
Sunday, January 22, 2006

homeschool blues

Some days I absolutely love home schooling. Like on days when one boy is working on his math, another on a reading page, middle girl is working with the felt alphabet, boy 3 is doing a puzzle on the floor and 2 year old is playing with magnets while I bake bread. That for me is an ideal day.

Then there are days where we do absolutely nothing that looks like 'school' . No one will cooperate with anything, everyone just wants to watch videos or play on the computer all day. On days like that, I feel like throwing my hands up in despair and saying, "Why bother?" I feel like I am not up to the task and am I ruining my children.

CareBear gave me some great phonics videos the other day and a reading program to try out. Those have been fun. I had promised myself that I would connect with other homeschoolers this year and that just hasn't happened. I had lots of idealistic plans that have not materialized. I'm glad the homeschool convention is coming I am so looking forward to the opportunity to meet other people who do this thing (I know quite a few already but the idea of bulk meeting appeals to me right now, besides it's a weekend away with my husband in a hotel <>).

I just linked to a homeschool blog from Sparrow (Intent). There was a post there about simple plans which appeals to me. All I know for sure is that I need help and some encouragement to keep plugging away at this thing.

Sorry, this isn't very flowery.........


  1. The convention will probably be energizing for you. My hubby and I try to attend the one in Colorado every year. Lots of ideas, curriculum, and, of course, a nice weekend away!

  2. Hotel?? Are you going the Convention here in Saskatoon?

  3. I have thought about homeschooling my boys...but, I do feel called where I am teaching and both of my boys attend there. Next year, I will be BayouBoy's teacher and I'm really looking forward to it.

    I admire that you've taken this on. I am sure that every homeschooling parent feels that way at times. For me, I'm so inconsistent, I know this probably wouldn't be best for my boys. At school, I'm fine...very organized...very structured...but for some reason, I can't seem to carry it over to my homelife.

    I hope you enjoy the convention and feel re-energized after attending it.


  4. BTW...did you get my email?

  5. Fire Starter - yeah, we're gonna stay overnight - one last night by ourselves before the baby comes. Apparently it helps to keep the costs of the convention down if you stay there - they have a block of rooms set aside at a fairly decent price.

    Bayoumama2 - no I didn't get your e-mail (sad), yeah, that's the kicker, I'm super organized and administrative for everything else I do - just can't seem to get it together for this...

  6. Hey! No may be my fault. I'll try was an invite to yahoo instant messaging so we could chat and get your avatar set up. Take care!

  7. Be encouraged! I SO hear ya!!! (The good days...and the *ugly*.)
    Press on!
    You so make Him smile with your efforts!
    Ann V.

  8. Lani--could you email me your email address? I wanted to pop something off into cyberspace for you! Kay? A gesture of BOUQUETS for the Flowerlady! Pllleeze??!!
    Ann V.

  9. Thank you Ann for your encouragement. Address is on it's way.


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