
Monday, January 16, 2006

lovin' it

I love routines. This morning we actually got back to doing a bit of 'real' schoolwork - the kind that comes in books. It felt good to do something concrete and measureable. Boy #2 was far happier today doing 'normal' things than he has been since we moved in, he is not good with change, this has been hard on him.

We had our household management meeting time today. Good to do that again, see where we are and where we need to go.

We met with our Transformations group tonite for the first time since the end of November. I sure missed those people. We have an amazing group of individuals in our group that I am happy to be a part of.

God blessed me (through a friend) with some maternity clothes that should take me through to the end and into the nursing season.

Laundry is getting done and put away.

I'm cooking real meals again.

I love my new house. It is such a blessing.


  1. yay...

    hey let me know when I can take Sam for a few hours, whenever you get tired...Saturday afternoons are good...Sundays are good too. I miss that little guy...

    So happy for you guys. Can't wait to see the new digs. :)

  2. sparrow, is the settling in happening - how's your boy adjusting?

    camille - you know he loves you, just say the word and he'll be there with bells on!!

  3. Would you happen to be a FlyBaby?

  4. I am a flybaby sort-of. I've been flywashed for several years but recently took myself off the list because I couldn't stand the clutter of all the e-mails.


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