
Thursday, January 12, 2006


Thank you all for praying for us!! Here's what happened.

Friday, January 6 - We moved all our house into our new place!!! Yippee, we love it. So thankful for all the helping hands.

Saturday, January 7 - the unpacking began while Kelly finished working on Sam and Vi's piano and preparing for the father/daughter tea. Some strong young men came and loaded the desk and piano into the U-Haul and about 4:45 PM we headed off to Airdrie. The trip was lovely with just one boy and lots of time to talk. On the way Samuel had his first corrective heart procedure as he gave his heart to Jesus while we had a conversation about forgiveness. It was a blessed event to share with. It was a very foggy night (from Oyen to just after Bieseker) but not much traffic. We pulled into Sam and Vi's at about 11:45 Alberta time.

Sunday, January 8 - We joined Sam and Vi at their church for worship had lunch, Kelly tuned the piano up and we headed for Edmonton to stay overnight with Cliff and Martha. That was a very lovely time as well (we felt like we were on a 'Hope father's' tour. Both couples sent their greetings to the church.

Monday, January 9 (6:30 AM) - we checked into the Alberta University Hospital and were ushered down to the area of the hospital where Sam's procedure would be performed. We met with the doctor and he explained what they would do as well as the possible complications. I'm glad we didn't know all those complications BEFORE we got there or I would have been much more apprehensive. In brief, here's what they did:
- they fed 4 small tubes up the femoral veins into the heart so they could look at all 4 chambers.
- they triggered the heart to beat at a high speed and then monitored it closely to see if they could find the extra pathway
- they located it on the left side of his heart
-they fed a flexible needle up through the tube and pierced the wall of the heart and then heated up the end of that needle and burned the pathway out

Now we watch him for the next several months to see if the pathway grows back (1 in 10 chance of that happening - he is no longer on heart meds). IN the meantime he has to be on blood thinner for two months to prevent the possiblity of stroke.

After about four hours in recovery we were allowed to take him home.

Tuesday, January 10 - we headed for home

Once again, thank you all for your prayers and help

1 comment:

  1. Oh! I had no idea! Praying for your little man. I hope he is doing well. {{Hugs}} to you!


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