
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

new groove

We are getting closer to finding that new groove. So far it feels more like we're bumping along on a very nasty street. We need to discover new ways of doing our routines and living in this new space. I didn't think it would be this difficult. We've cut out a few things for a now, like program for Chris and piano lessons. School work is minimal but still there.

We've managed to keep our weekly management meetings and finally got all the bookkeeping back on track, that was difficult. Kelly isn't quite into his work groove as of yet. Kind of difficult when your office isn't put together yet. He's painting right now, then the flooring goes in, the doors go up and trim, baseboards and light fixtures appear. THEN we can move in furniture that doesn't presently exist but hopefully will by then. Anyway, finding this groove has been an adventure... one day we'll get it back...

1 comment:

  1. So I can't just blame it on being pregnant?

    We'll paint at your house anytime! Though it would take a bit of logistical finagaling to make it work!! :)


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