
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Quilting Questions

I am SOOOO excited. I get to combine to of my passions into one! Writing and quilting and I would like your help whether you're a quilter or not.

I'm looking for thoughts on quilts and quilting. I'm writing an article on quilting for a new magazine that's coming out in the fall and would like answers to the following questions:

What does a quilt say to you?

Why bother quilting anyway?

I'd like lots of comments to draw on so please pass this on or post a link, thanks!!


  1. What does a quilt say to you? To me a quilt signals warmth, and comfort, a handmade quilt on a bed or thrown over the back of a sofa always makes me feel more at home or comfortable in my surroundings.

    Why bother quilting? I quilt because it is a way to relax and feel productive at the same time. I like to think about who will use the quilt when it's finished. It's very satisfying piecing together a quilt knowing that someday it will be wrapped around a new baby or spread across a lap to keep someone warm.

  2. I quilt because it is something my great grandmother and grandmother did growing up, and it intrigues me to see the beautiful handiwork they did before me.

    What does a quilt say to you?

    Currently I have a quilt my great grandmother made for my mother hanging on my foyer wall. It's the very first thing you see when you walk in. It makes everyone feel warm and comfortable in our home. I wrap myself in it on occasion once the kids are in bed so I am reminded of the beautiful hands that worked each piece in cutting, pining, sewing and quilting to make this masterpiece.

  3. To me a quilt means comfort and memoriies, time and care. Someone spent many hours cutting and saving and creating material to depict something for someone special. A quilt is a way to tell the story of the past. Have you ever read the scarlet thread by francine rivers? It is about a quilt.

  4. these thoughts are great! Keep 'em coming

  5. To me a quilt says tradition and family.

    Why quilt anyway? Because it's relaxing, creative, productive and it makes me feel artistic!

  6. For me, a quilt says a lot about tht person who made it. I think that people put a lot of effort and personality into their creations so it contains a little piece of them. i especially love Amish quilts because they are known as "plain people" but their quilts reflect such a beauty and artistic skill--it is breathtaking!

    Why bother quilting? I find it to be a relaxing, creative outlet and it allows me to purchase fabric! ;) I love to give someone a handmade gift in colors they will love.

  7. I think that a quilt represents family and community. Back in the day the women of the community would come together, quilt and do female bonding. We do that now. Not in the same way, but it still happens.

  8. Hi there! Found my way here through Randi. You have a lovely garden! *Smile*
    I come from a long line of quilters, but have only recently tried it myself. I am working on a doll quilt for my daughter. My first attempt, and it seems to be taking forever! *LOL*
    What does a quilt say to me? Well, to quote Sponge Bob's granny, "There's love in every stitch!"
    I have some old quilts that were made not only from love, but also out of necessity. It gets cold here in the mountains!
    My daughter has a special pink quilt made by her great aunt. It has her initials sewn on it. One of these days, she will share stories of her quilt and who/where she came from.
    Why bother quilting? I have found it to be a haven of rest in my quite often chaotic life. I have peripheral neuropathy, and I have been enjoying using my hands to create something beautiful. It might not be perfect, but that I did it means a lot to me! *Smile*

  9. i am so looking forward to coming and finding out where all of you 'live'. thanks for playing with me!!

  10. There's the beauty of quilting, you don't have to like doing it to enjoy the finished product!! I can't think of anyone who wouldn't like getting a quilt.

    (Grumpy mom, I'm certainly not bothered by your comments, you are most welcome in my flower garden)

  11. My best friend made a quilt for my 3rd son's birth. It has been the most precious gift. I think of the time involved in making the quilt. The thought put into the design; The quality of workmanship and the stories that will be passed on from generation to generation on how someone could take the effort and put so much love into a gift.

  12. What does a quilt say to me? Warmth, coziness and love from the person who put all of that time and effort into making it.

    Why bother quilting?
    Personally, I love picking out and putting all of those wonderful colors together! Making the top is my favorite part.

    I like the actual hand quilting part because it is so relaxing, and I can feel my thoughts, love and energy going into every single stitch.

    Also, I want to leave something behind for my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren...and I cannot think of a better way to show my love of them, to them.

  13. The quilts I have have been made for me by I always think of the maker. They're handmade so I always know much time and love went into them. Quilts just seem more comforting than almost any other kind of blanket. They're very often more creative. They say "I was thinking of you".

    I guess I actually have made a quilt. And that one says, "Way to did it..." I'm very proud of it.

    I don't know that I would do another quilt, but it was neat to have designed and created it and be able to use it and feel proud of it every time we have a picnic or go to the beach. Plus, I don't know of any other kind of blanket that works as well as a jean quilt.

  14. quilting speaks to me of time, love, energy, sacrifice, art, a creative spirit, heritage, babies...
    My favorite type of quilt has some sort of chenille in it...LOVE IT...
    Now I want a quilt LOL


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