
Sunday, September 24, 2006

country girl

Just got back from the farm again...minus one husband. It was soooooooooooo nice having him home for 10 days. It's amazing how much easier life is with two parents involved. We went to the Beechy Western Days this weekend (the Rodeo). I even worked at the concession one evening, almost feeling native. It's amazing to watch these men and women and their horses, wow, that is something I will probably never do but I sure enjoy the beauty of man and beast working together.

Got to go look at a house that we might be able to use next summer. SEVEN bedrooms, count 'em 7!! The kitchen is vintage 50's - very cool actually and HUGE, I've never seen so many cupboards in a kitchen before. We have yet to talk to the owner, just his son, so we're still waiting. It would be nice to have our own space for the next growing season. Things went really well living with Kelly's parents but we all agreed it would have been difficult for all concerned if it had gone on any longer. And that back and forth thing is nasty.

We had encouragement and release from the Lord to homeschool our french immersion girl next year and found curriculum to support that so that will make things easier, too.

I think I may learn to milk a cow next year. Yikers!!


  1. Milking a cow? Good for you! Personally, I like my milk bottled in plastic with a barcode stamped on it, but I think it is great that you are considering milking! ;)

  2. have to talk to you about abby sometime and hear what God did there....

  3. You amaze me girl!

  4. I'm amazed at myself really, I wouldn't have even considered this whole venture a couple of years ago, even though I've always wanted to live in the country.

    I have not milked anything yet (besides myself that is!!). We'll see if that actually happens. It's just that milk prices are waaaaaaaaaaaay over the top out there - I think the cow would be cheaper!

    As for my girlie...that's a whole 'nother blog...


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