
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

new everything

I am feeling quite a lot like my poor Christmas tree - my world is tilting slightly to the right!

My hope and prayer for this year is to survive and thrive in this birthing process we find ourselves in. For the last year or so people have prophesied to us that we're on the edge of something big, something breaking forth, etc. Well, we know what it is now and yup, it's big alright. It does feel like we're giving birth, the contractions have begun and the process will hurt but in the end we'll be tired, happy and greatly blessed, ready to find out what our 'new normal' is.

Way back in October we were asked to apply for an associate pastor position in my husband's home church. We had already been considering and talking to his parents about more involvement in the farm and were looking to possibly make a move in a few years. So after much prayer, contemplation and consultation we've applied and the interview process has begun. What does this possibly mean for our family?

* cross-cultural integration - we are moving from city to really, really rural
* a new house - remember we just moved a year ago
* a new church family
* new friends for everyone
* moving away from my family and closer to my husband's family
* building a new support system for Chris
* learning how to be a pastor family
* learning how to be a rural family
* learning how to be a farming family
* for my husband - learning two new jobs
* letting go of our business
* figuring out what to do with our house
* figuring out where to live out there
* figuring out all the farm transfer stuff
* figuring out what school will look like for the kids
* fulfillment of some life long dreams and desires

It's all rather mind boggling if I think about it too much. I've been doing pretty well at leaving the how's and why's to the Lord, but not so good with the when's and what's and where's.

In the meantime our family has been sick with something or other for two whole months. We've celebrated Christmas and have been to Winnipeg and back (a 9 hour trek). My Christmas tree really sums up how I'm feeling at the moment... including the little sock hanging on the wall...

1 comment:

  1. WOW! huge huge, and I'm so sorry, all I can think about is how much i'll miss yoU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If i can somhow pull myself away from that pity party for myself, putting me aside....that is very very exciting. how God can really and truly do thing like this. How through faith you can uproot (earthly things) of course you stay anchored to God himself, but everything else can change, grow, move as God wants and as He gives us faith to do the things he calls us to do!

    Your family is one I have always looked up to. if you do i go again, i will so miss you! but i'd much rather see you follow the leader. I tink he knows better dan me!!

    love you love you love you!


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