
Sunday, March 18, 2007

life as I know it

It seems to me that my blogging world is slowing down, getting smaller, fewer of the blogs I frequent are blogging, or taking time off or realizing that life needs to be lived live and in person, not on a screen. Like right this very second, my little girl is laying her head on my feet, giving unvocalized signals of her need to go to bed. It's late, we had our first weekend of being the associate pastor couple, we worked hard at packing boxes for my in-laws so that they can we can move. Exhausting, emotionally and physically.

I need to lay my head on my Saviour's feet. I know I don't need to say anything, which is good, because I don't know what to say exactly. My life is going to change radically in three short weeks. I have no frame of reference to imagine what I'm stepping in to. It is a completely blind leap into the unknown.

That's all I can say at the moment. The roller coaster between excitement and sorrow is leaving me a little dry.


  1. can't imagine how this must be....
    life and death at the same time is jam-packed full of emotions, hard to process. But the picture He gave you is exactly where you need to be. I will be praying for you.

  2. i still read this!
    thanks for lending me pamuel last night (that is what he said his nickname is ... true?) he is the smartest little cookie and i will miss him and y'all a lot.

  3. His nickname is Pamuel??
    That's so funny! We do the same with all the kids,


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