
Thursday, July 19, 2007


I am procrastinating so badly and I will pay, but right now I don't care, I've been enjoying myself running to knock on friends' doors in the blog world to see how everyone is. I've been to Africa and the States already this evening. How fun is that?

We are in the throes of getting ready for a big family reunion this weekend which means getting the yard and house ship-shape, cooking heaps of food, making mad dashes to the city for last minutes items that you should have purchased weeks ago and generally getting no sleep.

However, in the midst of it all we've been having some fun, too...

- I went to the 'big' city for a doctor's appointment for Sam with the respirologists. They were the ones pushing for his heart surgery b/c they were guessing that his meds were fouling up his respiratory system. Turns out they were right. He went from severly decreased lung capacity and three different medications to help him breathe to no meds and perfect lungs within a year of his surgery. Praise the Lord, he has a perfectly clean bill of health. Healed lungs and healed heart.

- Whilst I was in the big city I took it upon myself to purchase some hair coloring. One of my very bestest friends said she would oblige me by dumping the stuff on my head - I was too scared to do it myself. After a delightful meal in her home, we went at it, I am now strawberry blonde! Was supposed to be golden blonde but it's a little too reddish to call it golden. We quite like it.

-Also in the city I purchased some new scrapbooking supplies and have been turning out lovely pages of my precious little peanut. (K&Company makes the best paper ever! My Mind's Eye Tres Jolie line gets my vote for lovely little quotes to fill in a page - it's so fun to work with new stuff) Two of my crafty buddies from my former life came down and we had a fabulous little sleep-over and scrapbooking day.

- Last night my sister-in-law and I spirited our older kids away to the drive-in to watch Shrek the Third. What a hoot that was, we had so much fun. Great movie. We're hoping to get to Nancy Drew and PIrates 3 this summer, too.

- I started making an absolutely fabulous skirt in a pretty brown and cream print the other day, close fitting on top flaring out with a sweet vertical ruffle in the front seam. I'll post pics later.

Okay, I have to go shred 15 pounds of beef and clean my kitchen before I go to bed.


  1. I am totally totally missing you today. I wanted to tell you I love you. calling would be good too!!:)
    but I can't call for a couple of days cause we are going to the travellogde for noah's birthday party and staying the night!

    Praise God for sam's healing! If you read my blog, that is very encouraging to me right now! What a testimony! shout it out whenever you can!

    How was shrek?
    Never liked pirates
    Show pics of your hair!!!!!!!
    take care dear friend and sis

  2. so good to see you back here. I have been coming by for tea often. Praiing God for sam and please show us pics of your hair. I am sure it is beautiful. Have a great family reunion.

  3. Shrek was great. Quite like Pirates, though the 2nd was a little dark and down but had some very funny bits, I must say.

    Tealady, I just found some tea called Tension Tamer, tried it the other night because, well, because I was tense, it was very nice!


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