
Thursday, July 05, 2007

Showing Off (just a little)

Tea I'm drinking at the moment: Peppermint - soothing tea for an uptight mommy
Listening to: The Bridge - new Canadian artists singing variations on old hymns - a lovely, soothing listen.
Okay, today I am not wordless! Since we are heading off to family camp this afternoon it will be quiet around here for a few days. Leave lots of comments so I know I was missed at least a little okay! Below are a few of the projects I've been working on lately. I have so enjoyed going to other people's lovely blogs to see all the cute things that they're coming up with. I've been inspired, so I hope you enjoy these tidbits. These two cuties were dedicated to the Lord in matching John Deere outfits a couple of weeks ago. After making one for Princess Peanut I couldn't resist making one for her new cousin for their double dedication day. They were sooooooooooo cute. As Christ-bearer says, "Look how cute they are chillin' together!"
This is me in our Camelina field wearing the tunic top I made. Unfortunately tunics don't look so good on me, however, tucking it in totally took out the maternity/uniform look it had. I LOVE those stripes! Looking forward to wearing it plenty this summer.

Christ-bearer chillin' in the hammock that was kind of a group project. He had this idea about a year or more ago. We made the fabric part up but had no where to hang it in our old house. We found it the other day, dad added the wood, Firekid strung the string and I helped get it up onto the trees. That is one proud as punch cheesy grin wouldn't you say!
I was so inspired by Randi and the SewMamaSew sight that I had to try my hand at making a bag of my own. I think I get extra credit because I ended up having to draft my own pattern because my mama must have the same bag cut out and sitting somewhere in her sewing room because it was missing from the pattern packet. Anyway, I managed to draft my own pattern using the instructions as a guide. It wasn't really that hard and fortunately you can't see all the little screw ups. Yes it is the same fabric as my shirt and yes, Sonya, I promise to NOT use them at the same time! :)
Little more detail, the pink stuff on the bottom is shimmery and pretty! I couldn't get a decent picture of the lining fabric but it is fabric I used for making some boxer shorts that has little pigs all over it. I figured it was appropriate for a bag, you know..."to market to market to buy a fat hog" and "this little piggy went to market". So I think it will be named "The Little Piggy" bag!
So that's all my showing off for the moment! Have a blessed weekend...we're off for a family adventure, zip lines, climbing walls and swimming!!!


  1. Hello Flower Lady
    Thanks for the visit! I can't chat now, feeding and putting kids to bed, but I will visit soon. I am adding you as a friend on
    my side bar. I live in Johannesburg too!

  2. Ok I can speak for me and my family

  3. What a nice bag! I love your sewing! Did little elizabeth have her birthday already???

    hope you have a great time at camp. Let us know when we can come see you k?

  4. Great bag! and what a fun ida to make a hammock!
    Have a lovely time at camp!

  5. Hi there,
    That is a great bag!!! Love it. Hope you had a great time at camp.

  6. So cute! You are busy and productive!

    It's fun to see what you've been up to.

  7. When you get back ...and have time I have tagged you for I dig Jesus Post...hope you'll join and share your wisdom..... blessings

  8. oooh i like the pic at the top, with the caption "first fruits">....boy do i miss that little man. speaking of which, we still wanna come up that sunday of sam's bday... does it still work?

  9. Hi again FlowerLady
    Firstly I LOVE the music on your blog.
    That bag you made came out so well. I can see the shimmery fabric at the bottom.You are obviously very good at all types of sewing!!Good on you!


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