Tuesday, July 03, 2007

What to write?

It's a good thing there were some comments on here today, I was feeling a little bit sorry for myself today thinking no one reads this anyway so why do I bother?

Lucky you! Because of a few comments I am encouraged to continue. With what?

I don't know...I wanted to post the picture of boy #2 in the hammock he made (with a little help) with his big cheesy grin on his face...but my batteries are dead in my camera...

I have a flower running around in my head about giving of what we have freely because the source doesn't run out, but I never seem to get here when the thoughts are running in the right direction.

I could write about the funky smell I'm smellin' but am not quite sure what it is or if I want to know!

I could write about how stinkin' hot it is.

I could write that we're heading to family camp soon and very soon...kinda exciting.

I could make a post like Care Bear's about where we were a year ago....now that would be interesting!

- we had a three month old baby that was supposed to be only 2 months old.
- Now we have a delightful 16 month old baby who is cute as can be!
- I probably weighed the same as I do now - sad to say...and I don't have a scale so I can't tell ya how much that was...nor do I want to know.
- I had two dogs...now those two dogs are gone and I have a new one plus 4 cats
- I lived in the city in a big, beautiful house
- Now I live on a farm in a big, beautiful house
- We ran our own business from our home
- now we run our own business from our home, but it's a farm
- We had no regular income other than the goverment payments for child tax, etc.
- Now we have a regular income and that's a nice thing
- I was getting ready to home school our 2 oldest boys
- Now I am getting ready to home school our oldest girl and the boys will be going to school in town
- We were getting ready to stay at the farm for harvest - time with the distant possibility of moving here in the future
- Here we are, lock, stock and barrel!
- My husband didn't have any specific minsitry that he was involved in
- Now he is the associate pastor with a focus on youth in his home church - didn't see that one comin'

That's all for now, I'm tired and I want to go to bed.


Trail Rider said...

wow! miss you too!
I read your blog, sorry, I should comment when I do...

Yes, lots can change in a year. it was good to reflect. and yours was as life changing as mine!!
I went to see caleb tonight. mosquitos were super bad, so i sat in the van looking over his site (next time must bring bug spray so i can really BE there...)

When can we come out to see you!!???????
if it's going to be during this heat wave, do you have a water supply to keep cool? sprinklers? pool, slip and slide???

Nin said...

party at the Weins's? I'd be there...

Lani - the flowerlady said...

How about the 15th. Our services are early during the summer 9:45 - 11:00. We have lots of watery things ta do! We want to stick a huge piece of plastic on the hillside and see if we can make our own waterslide!! Other than that, sprinklers and hoses and a trampoline and a cool basement....