
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Out of My Comfort Zone

This morning I stepped out of my comfort zone and began teaching a women's sunday school class. Fortunately for me (and them) I am not having to come up with the material myself. We are doing a study based on the sermon on the mount by Angela Thomas. It's called "Your Life as a Beautiful Offering." We've only watched the first 20 minutes of the introductory video and she's got us in tears. These are some of the questions I asked the ladies as we wrapped up our morning...

1. Has there been a time in your life when you realized that you were not beautiful? That you didn't measure up, that you were somehow flawed?

2. Are you now, or have you ever been a pretender?

3. Have you ever sat in judgement on someone else only to find yourself in that spot yourself crying out to God, "Are you repulsed by this mess? Am I ugly to you? How can you possibly use a broken girl like me?"

4. Have you ever had an experience where God spoke to you of your beauty, how much he truly loves you? Have you ever experience "The King being enthralled with your beauty!"?

Those were just the first 20 minutes. We've got 7 more weeks to go. I'm just praying that I'll get it!

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