
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The gift of my son (125)

Today was my third son's birthday. My little Samuel turned 6 and was very happy about it...he told everyone he saw today that it was his birthday. The mean mommy had the nerve to schedule dentist appointments for him and his brother on his birthday, how nasty is that? On the upside, my kids love going to the dentist and, because we were in the city, his birthday party got to be at the Fun Factory. The kids had a blast. One of the benefits of having a large family is that you are a party when everyone is together!! So today my gift list is going to be focused on this wonderful boy I get to call my son!

115. I am grateful that I get to be his mom.
116. His adorable little smirk is always a treat to see.
117. I love it that his personality is so incredibly different than his siblings.
118. He is a fiercely loyal young man.
119. His heart is healed! Thank you Jesus. His physical heart and his spiritual heart were dealt with all on the same weekend, what a blessing to be there when your child gives their heart to their Creator.
120. I continue to be amazed at the change wrought in his health since his heart surgery, you would never know now that he was born with a defective heart.
121. I love his zeal for learning, over the winter he decided to learn to he did. And this summer he decided he wanted to learn French so he started on the same program that his older sister is taking.
122. He is so darn cute!!
123. He loves condiments (especially ketchup) - I don't know if that's really a gift or not but I'm putting it in.
124. He likes cherry tomatoes - no one else in my family does except me, so it's nice to have someone to share them with.
125. He is a gift, simply because he is..........I love that boy.

1 comment:

  1. I thank God for him too! I'll never forget the amazing flower you found in the story you told at one of the ladies retreats. About the bag of peas and how you had to smoother him with this frozen bag of peas in hopes to get his heart rate down.....what tramua! and how much God taught you of His heart for us through that whole thing!

    It is hard to believe that he was even sick at one time....I am loving making this list with you. It keeps you looking for things to be thankful for and I am complaining a whole lot less!

    love you


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