
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

407 - The gifts of this weekend

393. My God who is so good to me.
394. The Pinel family for coming down this weekend to pour themselves into our youth group.
395. The Massons for coming down and doing the same.
396. Cherie for sharing her journey and encouraging us to abandon the fluff and maybe more.
397. Sarah for allowing God to open your heart.
398. Ashley, Ashton, Tim and Breanna - what a great team you are, you are such a gift to us.
399. Dayne, Ryan and Josiah for going waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy out of your comfort zone, what a gift it was to watch.
400. All of the rest of our youth group who were there and those who weren't, what a gift you are to us.
401. The intercessors who prayed into this weekend and shared their hearts with us, covered us and stood in the gap for us.
402. My amazing kids who let your dad and mom go out every single weekend to spend time with other kids - we love you so much.
403. Reconnections with our family at HOpe, how blessed we are to have been among you for so long.
404. Connections with our family at Hillside, how blessed we are to be here now, working shoulder to shoulder to see God's glory come in our midst.
405. The gift of dance, such an amazing way to worship God with my body.
406. The wonderful women who were brave enough to come dance with me last night, all the giggles and laughter - your best moves, such a gift to me!!
407. The glow of delight on young faces as they explore this new expression, how God must smile.

This weekend we timidly walked into a weekend of exploring the arts in worship with our youth group and some good friends who came to help. None of us knew what to expect, none of us were even sure we wanted to be there, however, we are so glad we moved in obedience. God showed up in our midst and met us in our fear. He gave us beauty for ashes and poured out the oil of his Spirit on us all. My heart is so full, I am fairly bursting.

1 comment:

  1. flowerlady a note to say I am praying for you and you busy family--I pray all is well in the country. This post made me smile as I counted all of your blessings.


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