
Monday, July 06, 2009

the beginning of summer gifts (477)

We've just returned from family camp. It was different this year than it has been in other years. Good but different. I read a lot, was somewhat anti-social and ran after my three year old for the most part. I think I need to add to my gratitude list, it's about that time...

449. I am thankful for authors that make me think outside my boxes. I've read some excellent books recently and I am pondering them.
450. My little girl snuggled on my bed with me while I read my book this morning it was nice to have her warm little body curled up next to mine, not demanding, just being.
451. The opportunity to just sit in bed and read for awhile this morning was almost magical, I could use a few more like that.
452. It is a gift to be decisive sometimes and think quickly.
453. I am glad for deadlines. There are times when it is very good to know that something will be done at a certain time and after that time comes, and you've completed that task, you won't be doing that thing again.
454. Summer camp is such a gift, giving parent and child a little space from each other so that both can grow.
455. FUnny moments with my children are a gift...This conversation occurred while we were discussing the things that can wreck a garden and weeding. "I think the golfers could really wreck a garden, couldn't they mom?" I am thinking, "Golfers?" Out loud I say, "I guess if they're swinging near the garden, but..." I stop myself as I look around and suddenly realize he doesn't mean golfers, he's talking about GOPHERS!! "Yes, son, gophers can definately wreck a garden." To myself, "But golphers would certainly be no help either." I have a good chuckle as we weed and I picture a bunch of guys in their polo shirts swinging away in my corn patch.
456. I am excited to report that I have had my first really good idea for a story since I don't know when. I haven't felt like writing anything beyond the drivel I put on here for almost two years. To have a spark of inspiration is a wonderous thing.
457. Insight is a gift not to be overlooked. When sudden awareness of the foundation to a problem suddenly shows itself it is a lovely gift, wrapped in embossed paper and tied with a silken ribbon.
458. The train finally came and the grain is being hauled, thanks be to God.
459. Rain on a dry and weary land is a gift. Still I wonder if it was too little, too late. Lord, help me not be anxious when I look at our sparse fields.
460. Finding a package of Greek marinade in the cupboard after I just purchased a package of ribs - I guess we'll see if it was a gift at supper time tonite!!
461. Fresh baked foccacia bread - yum, if that's not a gift, I don't know.
462. Cooperation.
463. Terms of endearment.
464, A freshly weeded garden.
465, a package of cookies left over from somewhere, so i don't have to bake
466, that my little girl loves to color and that she'll stay occupied for a LONG period of time if coloring is a wonerful thing
467. watching my children make friends with former strangers - a gift indeed
468. listening to the wise words of my husband as he counsels heartbroken young boys as he tucks them into bed
469. the wisdom to know when to say no to yet another road trip wasn't just a gift to me but to my children
470. the writings and thoughts of a dad who went unexpectedly - a gift to his kids, oh to be a parent who leaves such lovely things behind
471. the renewal of friendships long neglected
472, the words, "I'm on my way home."
473. putting the last of the laundry into the dryer
474. seeing a stain come out
475. the ability to make clothing for my children
476. the ability to make yummy things to eat
477. the greeting of my canine friends as we return home

I guess I'll quit for now, my train of thought has been derailed and I must get back to business. Thanks for reading. Thanks to those who stop me every now and then and tell me they read. I like that...maybe I'll start writing that story right here...sneak previews or something. I think I'll start something like this...

I have now accomplished what I wanted to do since I was a little girl. So now what?

what do you think? a good opening line or a little weak?


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    good start for a story!! love reading your blog, these little insights into your world often make me smile....
    love, your german friend sabrina :)

    (and lots of love from kathrin of course, she´s on a little trip right now)

  2. haha. ok that's hilarious. i just stopped by to see if you put an update on (i'm always excited if there is something new to read) and then, who made a comment? my sister. that's cool :)
    so, i just got back from my trip (i think i told you about it)
    and what is the first thing i do after checking my emails? yes, my dear, it is your blog :)
    you definitely should start writing a story. i do love the way your writing.
    it feels like i'm still in your life somehow..even we don't get to write a lot messages.
    miss you a lot!


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