
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

gifts from this weekend (587)

we are home from a powerful weekend of worshipping, listening and participating with God in what He wanted for us...a weekend full of gifts...

551. God's amazing provision for a place for this gathering to be held, He literally took the wheel off our truck on the highway way back in April so that we could meet the owner of the lake where we wished to hold the gathering.

552. the gift of lovely weather, even the storm felt like His blessings being poured out

553. the interaction of generations, blessing...releasing...loving one another

554. watching the team of leaders, interacting, waiting on the Lord, not pushing agendas...

555. the sweet spirit of love

556. sharing, interacting, waiting together

557. the young people responding, dancing, laughing, singing, praying together, and for one another

558. watching covenants be made

559. seeing the face of one who I knew should be there finally arriving

560. hearing the testimonies of lives changed by His grace

561. seeing grace poured out in my son as he took up the flag of fire and waved it with all his might

562. seeing my younger sons, dancing and participating in every session

563. watching my daughter dance and love Jesus with all her heart

564. listening to my husband lead with authority and clarity, covered by the other leaders, walking shoulder to shoulder with him

565. seeing my daughter and my niece (one caucasian, one native) playing and dancing together, not concerned about skin colour or racial differences, they just love one another

566. seeing the army of God advancing through worship and praise

567. sweet moments of grace as one prays for another,

568. encouraging words offered

569. sunburned noses lifted to the Son

570. someone else running an errand so my husband could play with his kids

571. a young lady taking my little girl to play so I could rest

572. our van, with enough room to sleep - not in a tent

573. matches from the neighbouring campsite

574. finally meeting people you've only heard about and finding out how wonderful they really are

575. leadership of young people, on fire for God, walking in their gifts.

576. spirit-led prayers of tiny hearts led by the spirit

577. offers of prayer, walking alongside, being there

578. phonecalls from friends including us in good news that they've been waiting for for so long

579. radiant brides bouncing with anticipation on their wedding day

580. handsome grooms with awestruck glances as they view their bride coming toward them

581. wonderful weddings filled with God's blessings

582. friends
583. family
584. family of God

585. being fully, spiritually awake enough to enjoy all of these gifts

586. to be able to fully contribute and participate because my spirit is awake!

587. the glimmer of a new song, being formed in my heart

so many good things this weekend, I can hardly contain it

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