
Thursday, January 05, 2012

beginning again

My first post of the year!  I hope it will encourage you to take time this year to count the things that bring you CLOSER to the Creator.  Every year the Lord gives me a word to signify what this year will be about.  This year the word He whispered to my heart was CLOSER.

Closer to Him
Closer to my husband
Closer to my children
Closer to myself
Closer in my relationships
Closer to my goals and dreams


Abby and I sat and finished our 1000 gifts for 2011 just the other day and began another list.  So it's only fitting that I link you over to A Holy Experience to see the dare that she is calling us all to.  A dare to find joy through thanksgiving.  It's time to live fully, by giving thanks, drawing CLOSER to the author of all gifts.

Blessings in this new year.
Come draw close!

So I'm going to start at 1 again, just because I am!

1.  The shepherd/farmer and son are putting together the work station that we got a super good deal on!!
2.  So I'm thankful the bed broke otherwise this wouldn't be happening today.
3.  Having kids that are willing to clean.
4.  Beautiful fabric to cover the ugliness that is our downstairs couch.
5.  Tutorials that teach me how to do a better job of making that covering.
6.  All the nieces and nephews that will arrive for a big sleep-over tomorrow night
7.  Celebrating 50 years of marriage with my parents!
8.  Celebrating 20 years of marriage for us - who knew time could go by so quickly.
9.  Getting February 2011 books finished.
10.  The prayer chain at churhc

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