
Friday, March 02, 2012

A miracle and invitation

A little miracle happened yesterday.  A dear friend sent me a cheque in the mail.  How is that a miracle you may ask.  Do you get random cheques in the mail every day?  I don't.  It was why she sent me the cheque that touched my heart so deeply.

A month or two ago I ran into her at a concert and we stood and talked until the concert started.  We haven't seen each other for a few years and it was so good to reconnect.  As we caught up with one another I mentioned my desire to go to the Allume Social, it's a convention for women Christian bloggers.  I have a few obstacles to overcome; it's in Pennsyvania (definitely not a hardship to go there, just expensive), did I mention that it's expensive? and there are very limited spaces available.  The other husband talked with God and they came up with a little 'test'...I can go...if my readers support it.  Way back when I was really regular with this blog, had a pretty large readership and was even selling some of my little inspirational journals that I self-published...I would have said that it was a possibility.  Now that I'm sporadic and I live in a different space and place... I'm not so sure.  I gave up the thought almost immediately.

Then yesterday, it was March 1st and I knew that they were opening up some seats and here's this cheque in the mail from that same dear lurker *smile* encouraging me in my dream and telling me that she believes in me enough to send me a little money to go...(yes I cried...just so you know).  I still don't know if I'll be able to go because that set of seats sold out before I even remembered that it was the day to check that out, but God knows.  There is a writer's conference close by that I've been encouraged to attend and maybe I'll have to settle for that this year.

I was watching Letters to Juliette the other day and this wanna-be writer is claiming perfectionism as a reason for not submitting her work for publication.  Her adversary tells her that she's just using that as an excuse because she's a chicken.  My dear husband of 20 years looks at me out of the side of his face and laughed if you can believe it! prove I'm not chicken I am going to invite you, should you wish an invitation to the opening of a new blog that will contain my writing as it is right now.  I have a few poems that I might submit to a competition and 2 novels underway.  In this private blog I will share my rough drafts and you'll be free to read and comment.  If you'd like an invitation and you've actually read this far you can post a comment or e-mail me and let me know if you'd like to be a part of my unfolding writing drama, such as it is.

I probably am just a chicken walking around looking like a human...


  1. Would love to! However I probably won't ever comment or critique anything you write cause I am the furthest thing from a writer - but I love to read!

  2. Doh! I was going to ask for an invitation too. Please?

  3. count me in with your faithful - My comments may be more likely to be editorial in nature than helpful when it comes to content but I will definitely support you in whatever way i can. Go Girl Go!!


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