
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Linking UP with UBP12

Today's post is for the 5minutes for mom blog party!!  I'm supposed to tell you a little about me...
this is me!

1.  I'm married to the most wonderful man in the world, don't know how he puts up with me!
2.  I love Jesus with all my heart and hopefully that comes out in what I say, do and write here at fresh flowers.
3.  I'm the mom to 6 amazing kids, one of whom has R.A.D.  which makes our life more than a little interesting
4.  We are youth pastors to a group of amazing kids who we are trying to point to Jesus.
5.  We are grain farmers living in Canada in the grain belt!
6.  I am one of those annoying artsy people who sing, play, dance, and create whenever I possibly can squeeze it in.  My personal faves are anything to do with fabric and paper - fabric still wins!!
7.  I love to write and wish I could be disciplined enough to do more of it.
8.  I'm tall, blonde and slightly overweight.
9.  My house is never completely clean...NEVER!!
10.  I'm almost always doing laundry.
11.  I love dogs, it used to be cats but I converted.
12.  I am blessed with lots of family and friends near and far and some whom I've never met other than through this screen.
13.  I've been able to travel quite a bit - which I love to do.

Ultimate Blog Party 2012


  1. You are definitely a BUSY lady!!

    The UBP is a highlight of my blogging year, and I'm so glad that you've linked up this year!! I look forward to getting to know you better in the months to come.
    - Ashley Pichea

  2. thanks for dropping by! Welcome here :)


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