
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Goodness Give-away

I am feeling rather expansive today.  Perhaps because the sun is shining and I'm about to go put flowers in the ground, or maybe because someone actually asked me to write something for them!  It might be because my husband found a super good deal on a cruise in the Mediterranean and we might actually book it.  Maybe because school is almost over...

It doesn't really matter does it.  The point is I feel like giving some of my good feeling away!  I would like to make one of my readers a cute summer apron (it will be green and blue).  This giveaway will close on the 27th (last day of school here)!  I will employ my usual scientific methods of picking the winner!

The deal have to write a comment about what you love most about summer!  For me, it's the flowers!!  I love all the flowers and green-ness!  I hate gardening, I'm not too jazzed about hot and sweaty and have no love for sand in my shorts or camping, however, I do love long days and cool evenings and flowers and the chorus of birds that sing in my trees.

If I get it made this weekend I'll post a picture, I promise it will be cute!

Feel free to hit share and spread the love!!


Lani - the flowerlady


  1. I love the smell of rain after a hot summer day. I love to dance in the rain, smell the wet grass and just feel really happy :) And I love the italian ice-cream, which I just can get during summer (favourite: blueberry, amarena cherry and yoghurt).

  2. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I have a new found love...camping. In addition to all the fun we can have as a family and the great food, doing dishes outside makes that task almost enjoyable

  3. I love time with my kids in the sun, on the beach, with other friends, being outside, the smell of campfires, BBQ's...oh, it's so hard to pick!!

  4. I love...a break from the regular routine, time to explore and go on adventures with my kids, celebrating my children's summer birthdays, daylight hours that linger long into the evening, BBQs with friends and neighbors, hanging out with my parents / sister and her family at the lake...

  5. I love the sound of the frogs croaking and seeing an unexpected joy of 'lightening bugs' ...I love digging in the dirt and seeing new growth...I love the feel of skinny dipping in a lake at dawn...I love toasting marshmallows with family and friends over a rip roaring fire....I love a walk in the woods and the whiff of an amazing fragrance from out of nowhere...I love that God gives us four seasons ...each with its own beauty

  6. Well we are in the same ball park. My passion is roses. Fragrantroses...which is my handle.

    I love to take tea on a shaded patio surrounded by flowers and the songs of the birds...whih come in third behind my tea cups and Lemon Zinger.

    I enjoy my songbirds. They were what summer was made for....roses and songbirds with other flowers thrown in for variety. :)

  7. I love lying in the hammock in the backyard in the cool of the evening and watching the bats come out!

  8. I love the change-up in schedules and routines. Since we homeschool the pressure is off in the summer. We actually tend to un-schedule and relax!

  9. I love the long days...I live in Northern Nevada so the days can get a bit hot at times but the mornings are always cool. I love that I can go sit out back on my patio at 6 in the morning in my pj's and have my quiet time with God. I have a small pond and waterfall surrounded by flowers and a bird feeder...I absolutley love the flowers and the birds that visit my yard and hearing their songs in the morning and the low coo's of the mourning doves... just ushers me into my own sanctuary right there in my own backyard.

  10. I love the long days...I live in Northern Nevada so the days can get a bit hot at times but the mornings are always cool. I love that I can go sit out back on my patio at 6 in the morning in my pj's and have my quiet time with God. I have a small pond and waterfall surrounded by flowers and a bird feeder...I absolutley love the flowers and the birds that visit my yard and hearing their songs in the morning and the low coo's of the mourning doves... just ushers me into my own sanctuary right there in my own backyard.


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