
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Adventures of a lone traveller

This journey began a few months ago. The last few months have been rather exhausting and Kelly and I have been looking for a way to get me away for a few days by myself. We were having a difficult time finding space to let me get away. Enter Gathering 2012, the Canadian conference for our denomination. Kelly was supposed to go as a delegate but after looking at his schedule he decided he just couldn't get away for that long. I, however, did not not have any looming responsibilities for a change so we decided that perhaps I could take his place. Yesterday I headed to the city so I wouldn't have to get up so early. I got to hang out with one of my best friends and a place to stow the van while I'm away. I have to admit that I was a little bit nervous to go out on my own. It's not that I've never travelled by myself before it's been a long time. Flying with Westjet means that I got to go West before I could go East. While waiting in the Calgary airport I got to witness a very rude man yell at a poor young father to control his son. The little boy in question was only three years old and this guy just started talking very loudly to the dad. The dad didn't take too kindly to this line of correction and the situation escalated. Grandpa got involved and they almost came to blows. The fella declared to one and all that he wasn't being rude...I beg to differ. When I arrived in Winnipeg ther was supposed to be someone to meet me but there wasn't anyone there. The good news was that I was reading a book that I am to review for the MB Herald. It was a lovely little book and encouraged me in my walk with the Lord tremendously. I'll talk more about it in a future post. Because of this encouragement I was able to rest easy, knowing that I could trust the Lord to get me where I needed to go. Another gentleman came out to the same place as me and I took a chance and asked him if he, too, was heading to the convention centre. He was, so we started working together to figure out where our ride was. We finally managed to find it and we were off. So here I am, in a hotel all by myself, with a king size bed, my new Ipad and 4 days of meetings and such things. I am looking forward to this week. The first celebration service was a great time of worship and listening to stories of what God has done and our vision of what we hope to see happen. The celebration service was followed by a Steve Bell concert, which was lovely, especially shared with a few friends. Now it's off to bed, I'm tired!!

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