
Sunday, September 30, 2012

31 days of Uncommon Creativity

pastedGraphic.pdf Tomorrow begins a little something different here at fresh flowers.  I have to admit I’ve wandered in the wilderness of the blogosphere for the last year or two since I quit writing the ‘flowers’.  In the last few months I’ve become a part of a writer’s group who have inspired me to start writing again.

The Nester posted a challenge for October to join her for 31 days of writing.  It intrigued me.  The deal is that you pick a topic and talk about it for 31 days.  If you’ve been around you know my lack of discipline and you know that I’ve fairly sporadic over here so this challenge scared me something chronic.  But I felt a nudge to take up the challenge, so here I am.

I tossed around a few ideas and even asked my kids and husband for an idea.  As I prayed the idea of blogging about creativity in an uncommon way came to me. I sat down and sketched out the idea and poof, there it was 31 days.

I hope I don’t disappoint you and drop this thing in the middle.  I’m going to be meeting a bunch of these people face to face in few weeks so that should keep me at the writing wheel I think!

Here’s what I’ve outlined and what you can expect (hopefully) unless God derails the whole thing and teaches me some things that none of us are expecting.

Mondays – I am going to talk about my own creative journey (Memoirs of Creativity), whatever the Lord lays on my heart
Tuesdays – we’ll talk about some aspects of creativity out of the Word – there are some great examples to draw from!
Wednesdays – Words is the theme – we’ll look at poems, stories, songs and such
Thursdays – October is Thanksgiving month up here in Canada so I’m going to bring you some Thanksgiving projects, possibly even tutorials if I can wrap my brain around that!
Fridays – Fun – creative fun, we’ll see what bubbles up! 
Saturdays – the creative home, Sabbath keeping thoughts and that sort of thing
Sundays – Sweetness, not so many words, just drinking in beauty through pictures is the plan

Pray for me friends, this is a huge undertaking and I feel a little small and helpless.  Even as I write this my internet is down and cranky (not uncommon around here).  My prayer is that God will break me out of my self-sabotaging ways and get some fire in these bones, help me look past the fear into the face of my giant and sling a well-placed stone!

Join me for some “Uncommon Creativity” – blessings friends, you are why I write.

facebook:  Lani Fast Wiens
Twitter: @flowerlady77

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