
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

the day after 7

I should not be blogging right now, I should be cleaning up the dishes from breakfast...and last night...and lunch yesterday!  I'm blaming Jen Hatmaker and that book of hers!!!  I had to keep reading "7" until the very last word.  I told my husband it feels like she's taken every last thought I've thunk in the past year and stuck it on paper...I've thought about doing just about everything in that book.  Now that I've read it I'm a mess and I'm not sure what to do with myself.

I am such a wimp.  I'm not sure I could even do one of those things for a whole month!  I am as right-brained as you can get, rebel at schedules and am horribly inconsistent (which anyone who tries to read this blog regularly will know!)  I think I may have a give-away to wrap up!  OOPS...

So, yeah!  I think I better go do the dishes and stuff some things in the washing machine...

right after I go to the bathroom...


The whole adoption thing is back in my heart and mind - 3 different things just this week!!  My kids want to adopt internationally so badly.  If you don't know we already have one son that came through another mama and that's been quite a journey!  Anyway, really, I need to go love on my house or some paperwork or something!!


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    :0)...Seven seems to be having that effect on people I mean me :0). For a while we lived a "simple" life and got rid of a LOT of the "things". When we left the group/church/area where that was planted I had to do a LOT of evaluating. But one thing we never regretted was ridding our lives of the "stuff" monster...the full toy chests, closets of clothing, knick-knacks, as well as the "stuff" of the heart like legalism, judgement, and the like :0). Still...the OTHER chapters touching on things I do NOT want to think about are coming up (except food, but there is not enough time in the world to go over THAT issue :0)!)and I am a but anxious on wasre and sress). I decided to take this book slowly and follow on incourage. So much to take step at a time!

  2. Not sure if I want to read that book now. I'm a hot mess before reading something like that. LOL! I can only imagine the challenges she would cover in it. I am probably a lot like you, Lani. I only thought I was an organized person until I had kids. Now I don't kid myself. Super undisciplined, I am. (almost sounded like Yoda there) See? I am about as distractable as they get. Praying for you right now.


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