
Friday, September 14, 2012

The Pull of Stuff

I'm still sifting through my thoughts on "7: An Experimental Mutiny on Excess" by Jen Hatmaker.  I never really thought I had all that much desire to buy, but after yesterday I think maybe I was wrong!

Yesterday was a bit of a fight for me (I mean besides the usual squabbles and what-have-you from the back seat).  I had to go to Michael's yesterday to pick up some stuff for someone else...not me, I was not spending for me.  This is like putting an alcoholic in the liquor store and telling them to bring home something you might like!  Oh my goodness, such prettiness called out to me from so many places!  Beautiful paper, ribbons, flowers, stamps, ink, journals...I even enjoyed the cake decorating section.

Being in there was such delightful eye candy, all kinds of projects and ideas popped into my head.  I could hardly contain myself!  All I wanted to do was buy, buy, buy!  Yes, I wanted to buy things I don't need with money I don't have...and things got worse.

My eldest and I went to the mall to get his new phone.  He hadn't eaten supper so he suggested we go to the food court.  My husband and I had switched vehicles so all the snacks that I COULD eat were in the other van...I was famished and I so did not want to go to the food court and look at all those things I couldn't eat.  The same feeling came over me that had in, eat, eat...who cares about health and progress...just eat!!

Then my dear delightful son came to my rescue.  "Fries, Mom, you can eat fries, they're gluten free, dairy free and no sugar."  WOO HOO, I felt like the prisoner that had been set free...I went and had me some fries, AND my son only ate fries as well, he did not taunt me with a burger or pizza, he just ate fries with me.  I love that boy!!

THEN, I had to go get my printer ink refilled.  Fabricland is right next door and I had to wait for 15 minutes while they refilled them.  So guess where I went?  By this time I was recognizing the physical response I was having to the desire to buy and I didn't even look at fabric.  I bought the little package of snaps that I needed and got myself out of there!

And this morning I stepped on the scale and I am down 5 pounds!!  So excited, I can hardly contain myself, that is a major accomplishment for me.  (almost 10 pounds from my highest non-pregnant weight)

I was, however, shocked at my response to STUFF, it was so visceral and emotional.  I REALLY wanted to buy stuff and I knew that this was just not an option.  Perhaps, I am more tied to stuff than I thought.


  1. You're not alone. I, too, have at times had that surprising visceral response to "stuff" -- and it made me ill to realize what I had allowed to happen to me. No more! I've spent 2012 decluttering my house and my mind -- and reclaiming my space and my sanity! Get control of that while you're young. You'll never regret it!

  2. Hi! I found you through the (in)courage link up and I'm your newest follower! I so agree with you. As Americans, we are inundated with stuff. Every where we turn there's a new opportunity to buy. There's no wonder we're all in debt; they make it so easy to spend money we don't have.

    Thanks for sharing your heart!


  3. Welcome here Susan and Christie! It is good to not be alone and yet I know at some point I will have to launch out and do something even if I am the ONLY one!


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