
Friday, October 19, 2012

5 Minute Friday: Look {Day 19}

It's Friday!!! Which means it's one day closer to Allume!!  Which means next week I'll be doing a live 5 Minute Friday with a whole bunch of other FMF-ers!!!  I'm a little excited...just sayin'....

What is FMF?  It is five minutes of editing, no thinking ahead, just writing for 5 minutes on a theme.  If you want to play you are welcome to...just click that 5 minute Friday button in the sidebar and it will take you over to Lisa Jo's site so you can link up and join the party!

Today's word:



Look at me!!!

Would you look at that!?

Look with your eyes open!!

I am invited every moment of my waking hours to look at something.  What do I choose to look at?  I walk into a store and they make sure I am looking at the thing they want to sell me that day.  The movie posters scream at me to spend my looking hours at the product of their money and hours.

The television wants me to look at it and not look away.

My computer screen beeps, calling me over, look and see who is talking to you now.

My kids run in, "Look mom, see what we found."

My husband lifts my chin and invites me to look into his eyes and see the love and acceptance when I can't see it myself.

My friend invites me over to look at her project.  She wants my approval, my suggestions, my input into what she has done.

All day, every day, I am invited to look.

My eyes need to see that which is life-giving....where do I choose to Look!

"I will lift my eyes to the Maker of the mountains I can't climb,
 I will lift my eyes to the calmer of the oceans raging wild.
 I will lift my eyes to the healer of the hurt I hold inside,
 I will lift my eyes, lift my eyes, to You!"
(excerpt from "I Will Lift My Eyes by Bebo Norman)


Happy Friday!!

This post is one in an ongoing series called {31 days of Uncommon Creativity}.  If you'd like to start back at the beginning you can do so by clicking here!  and finding the list of all the posts so far. You can find a lot of other 31 day-ers over at Nesting Place. go check it out you may find some great stuff there that is just begging for you to read it!

Grace * Thanksgiving * Joy

You will also find me on:
Facebook:  Lani Fast Wiens
Twitter:  @flowerlady77
Pinterest: lanireneewiens


  1. Hi Lani,
    It's so soon as we wake up, we are assaulted with images. What will we choose to look at is the real question? Let us keep our eyes on the unseen which is eternal:)!

  2. i feel that way too - life wants my attention and for me to look! having my eyes on Him first is the most important thing to making the rest of the decisions of what i look at.

    thanks for your visit to my blog today!

    my recent post: to really look

  3. Hi Lani! Found you over at (in)Courage Flock! Great blog!

  4. are so right about how many things we have to choose NOT to look at and then release ourselves to look at what is "beautiful, true and right."

    I love that Bebo song...completely forgot about it until I read it here. Beautiful!


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