
Friday, October 12, 2012

5-minute Friday: Race {Day 12}

Rules are simple:

Just write for 5 minutes on the topic.
Link up at Gypsy Mama (button is in the sidebar)
Go encourage the person who linked up before you!

Today's word:



The timer is racing with me to see who will get done first.  I haven't got a thought about race at the moment other than the one I am in right now.

And maybe that's the point.

I need to run THIS race, the one for THIS moment.  MY race.  The one planned out for ME.

My race today includes cleaning, laundry, making food for the youth group, getting baking supplies ready for them, making supper for the people staying home, figuring out what to do with the last of the tomatoes, supervising piano/drum/violin practice, making sure two little girls don't get into too much trouble, planning the date with my girls for tomorrow, encouraging my husband, talking to my kids, writing this post, drying my tears over a picture of my brother who passed away 16 years ago this month, figuring out what to make for lunch...

This is MY race today.  But I don't want to be in a hurry because then I let go of patience and love and my dignity.  I want to find that groove that the runner loves, the one where the pace is just right, the breathing even, the arms and legs pumping in efficient motion.

Only one minute left of this leg of the race and I need to see if there is more to say about RACE.  No, I don't think so, the finish line is before me and I've said what I need to say.  Let the pigeons loose and bring on the cheers!


Thanks for stopping by today as part of your race!

This post is one in an ongoing series called {31 days of Uncommon Creativity}.  If you'd like to start back at the beginning you can do so by clicking here!  You can find a lot of other 31 day-ers over at Nesting Place. go check it out you may find some great stuff there that is just begging for you to read it!

Grace * Thanksgiving * Joy

You will also find me on:
Facebook:  Lani Fast Wiens
Twitter:  @flowerlady77
Pinterest: lanireneewiens


  1. Popping in from Lisa Jo's. I love how you followed the threads of your mind. :)

    This "drying my tears over a picture of my brother who passed away" stopped me. I'm sorry. Grief, it takes up residence, always part of us, surprises us. I still miss my MIL who passed 26 years ago, and next month will be the one year anniversary of my mom's death.

    Take your time, enjoy each moment, find that groove where the pace is just right.

    And let the pigeons loose. :)

  2. Really like this post.

  3. You made such a good point about getting in a hurry. I get focused on the race of tomorrow and the next day and forget to live in today, and being thankful for today's gifts. Thank you for the reminder, and thank you for stopping by my blog today. :)


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