
Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Words for Wednesday - Descent {Day 3}

Thank you for joining me on Day 3 of this series "uncommon creativity", if you would like to start at the very beginning (a very good place to start) you can find them at the links below:

Day 1 - A Creative Bone
Day 2 - Creativity in the Word

Here we are at Wednesday and Day 3.  I want to bring you beautifully crafted words, some from others, maybe some of mine.  I love words and the pictures they can convey, the power they have to bring about the full breadth of emotion.  Words are such an immensely powerful tool, after all it was the very word of God that brought creation into existence!  When coupled with music those words go beyond what we can understand with our mind straight into our spirit.

I hope you're not getting tired of the Steve Bell influence...  I wish you could hear the music behind these words but the CD - Keening For the Dawn will not be released until mid-November.  We were privileged to hear him perform some of these songs live for the first time.  The following lyrics are actually from the pen of poet, Malcolm Guite and speak to the polemic that Christ is compared to the pantheon of gods. (A polemic is a stark contrast, showing who Christ is by what He most definitely is not).  There is a haunting melody that swirls with these words in a beautiful cadence, since I can't link you up to that just yet, please enjoy the words.

lyric Malcolm Guite           music Steve Bell

They sought to soar into the skies
Those classic gods of high renown
For lofty pride aspires to rise
But you came down
For lofty pride aspires to rise
But you came down

You dropped down from the mountains sheer
Forsook the eagle for the dove
The other gods demanded fear
But you gave love

Where cherished marble seemed to freeze 
Their abstract and perfected form
Compassion brought you to your knees
Your blood was warm

They called for blood in sacrifice
Their victims on an altar bled
When no one else could pay the price
You died instead

The towered above our mortal plain
Dismissed this restless flesh with scorn,
Aloof from birth and death and pain
But you were born

Born to these burdens, borne by all
Born with us all 'astride the grave'
Weak, to be with us when we fall
And strong to save

The following video is NOT the above song because it hasn't been released yet.  However, I thought you might enjoy meeting Steve yourselves through another of his pieces, he is a bit of a philosopher, a bit of a mystic, an amazing singer/songwriter/guitar guy and just kinda fun to hang out with!

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