
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

In Summary and I Need Your Input {Day 31}

Phew!  Made it through to 31!!  Kind of amazed at myself to be perfectly honest.  This farm girl must like writing or something since I actually pulled it off...and in the time frame allotted!!

Uncommon Creativity has been a journey for me, helping to define that I really love writing?  And I found the answer...yes I do!!

The Allume Conference was such a help to understand that about myself and realize that it was perfectly okay for me to love writing and embrace who God has created me to be...and part of that is to write!

I have loved writing every day, even though it caused a wee bit of stress here and there.  Like when your 'scheduled post' doesn't go up as scheduled...

Where to go from here, that is the question.

Stay tuned...there are definitely changes in the wind (like the location of this blog).


I would highly value your input, however, as I figure out what to write about...if you wouldn't mind taking a few minutes to answer some questions I would appreciate it.

1.  Which type of post did you enjoy the most? (you can pick more than one)
     a.  my own journey stories
     b.  teaching from the word
     c.  artsy poetic word type posts (quotes, poems, etc.)
    d.  tutorials for projects
    e.  5 minute Fridays (FYI, I will most likely keep doing these whether or not you like them, cause I do!)
    f.  teaching on the home/kids

2.  What kind of stuff would you like to read here?
     a.  parenting stuff
     b.  encouragement
     c.  adoption stuff
     d.  other (please explain yourself)
     e.  more teachy stuff

That's it, two questions that would help me clarify where I go from here...

Nope, one more,  I'm thinking of a new name to reflect the current state of my writing...your thoughts?

1.  Out There (cause I've always been swimming a little against the stream and am a forerunner)
2.  continue with "Fresh Flowers"
3.  K.I.D. - Kinda Inspired Designs (cause my nickname growing up was 'Kid')

Alright, that's it, I promise.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey.  Your comments and interaction inspire me to keep going! (except for those flower/gift shop peeps from India/Japan, sorry, you don't inspire much).  Over the next month I will be sharing the notes from the workshops I attended at Allume and some more thoughts from the keynotes.

Oh yeah,  I will be doing the majority of my writing in a skirt for the next month...just, well, that's another story!

Blessed Beyond Belief by all of you...

Lani - the flowerlady

This post is one in an ongoing series called {31 days of Uncommon Creativity}.  If you'd like to start back at the beginning you can do so by clicking here!  You can find a lot of other 31 day-ers over at Nesting Place. go check it out you may find some great stuff there that is just begging for you to read it!

Grace * Thanksgiving * Joy

You will also find me on:
Facebook:  Lani Fast Wiens
Twitter:  @flowerlady77
Pinterest: lanireneewiens

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