
Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Uncommon Wife

I married the flowerlady 20 years ago.    She is anything but common stock, she is a daughter of the King I am priviledged to know and love and the mother of our 6 children.   She is the reason why I was voted top public speaker of my class in college, as she inspired me to write and speak on the topic of "the academic benefits of being a married student".  

Our life together has been filled with many joys and sorrows and is a testimony to the faithfulness of God and His incredible love and forgiveness.   You ask, "How has blogging impacted my flowerlady?"    Blogging for my wife has been a way for her to share the revelations she receives from our Father in heaven as she walks through life with Him as my wife, a mother of 6 plus 1 in heaven, and a friend of other women.   She is very creative and blogging gives her a chance to share the nuggets of wisdom and revelation she receives with other women to encourage and build them up.   My wife is a bit of a introvert and very busy as a mom and farmer/pastor's wife and so blogging helps connect her with other women and lets them see into her life and benefit from her journey.

    You ask " How attending the allume conference has affected her?"   Well, it ignited a fire of desire in her when she saw the ad for the conference.   So much so, she prayed and asked our Father in heaven to get her there, while placing her hand on the screen.    She shared her desire with me, and  I prayed and felt that if she was to go, money would come in through her blogging.   She gave up hope at that point thinking there is no way all the money would come in that way.   However, the allume conference filled up and the dream was all but completely dead, when a ticket came up for sale from a woman who had registered but couldn't go.   $150 had come in through other women who read her blog but she felt since all had not come in to cover the cost and that was "my" criteria from God it was still beyond reach.   However, she dared to  share her dream with me and I listened, and prayed.  "The seed money came in from your readers fulfilling the criteria ",  I said, "and we should have enough to send you from this years harvest on the farm",  and so I shocked her in supporting her to go as I felt strongly the Lord wanted her to go.  I shocked and scared her more when I said I felt she needs to go by herself and connect with other women writers and not worry bout me.  (Something about introverts I think going out on their own meeting women she's never met before :)) By the way, when you meet my wife, and need an ice-breaker, ask her to tell you the story of how we got engaged.   Back to the story,  eventually the fear and shock wore off and she texted me back proudly that she'd booked her flight and hotel all by herself and found a roomie and she has been a ball of fire since.   The very fact that God heard her prayer that day last winter and it's all working out for her to go has encouraged my wife to write more faithfully, and her faith has grown so much that perhaps the dream of being a women's speaker and writer is closer than ever before.   I love you my sweet flowerlady, it's your time to shine.  

P.S. -  Lani's name means "heavenly light" and I know when you meet her at Allume you will enjoy her radiance and creativity in person even more than what you receive through her blog.   I will miss her and I cherish her very much, so please take good care of her for me, all you Allumites.  Thanks!


  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    THAT is awesome! I cannot wait to meet her so i can verify all the nice things said here =0)

  2. This is great! Can't wait to meet you, Lani!

  3. Took my breath away...this love could only come from Christ. Way to go are one blessed man married to one bless woman!

  4. Oh, my word! How sweet is this?!!! I love how God worked to make this all possible and the support of your husband is just lovely.
    Can't wait to meet you Lani and I guarantee that you will be sharing the engagement story!!! :)

  5. Beautiful, Lani!! Lovely post from your sweet husband. My husband had a lot of fun hacking my blog earlier tonight, too. I am so very thankful for husbands who understand our desires to blog!! Can't wait to meet you this week!!

  6. THAT was a wonderful post, Lani's husband! :-)

    She is a light and I super wish I could have been that roomie. Wouldn't that have been fun, Lani? Maybe next year....oh, I can dare to dream, right?

  7. Lizzie, I went and read his earlier...laughed out loud!! better believe for next year, you should definitely be there..

    Can't wait to meet all of you! :)

  8. lani, your husband did a great job:) we'll try to take very good are of you:)

  9. I love that husbands are getting on board with this and revealing their hearts. Nothing like love and sacrificial love is the best example for all of us. I can tell by his tone not just his words how much he values you and that you are in his heart of hearts! Looking forward to meeting!!!


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