
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What do Allume and the Bible have in common? {Day 23}

I'm leaving on a jet plane!!

for the Allume Social....

Today the journey begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I am just a wee bit excited!

But first, today, I am going on a date with my husband who is going to sacrifice his sleep to get me to the airport at 4:30 in the morning, bless his heart!

How does any of this apply to God's creativity?

I am going to meet approximately 400 women from all over the states and Canada.  We have some things in common:

1.  We love Jesus.
2.  We are bloggers...writers who write on the internet...and some are authors of e-books and paper books.
3.  We are women.

And yet there is great diversity:

1.  We come from many places, experiences and age groups.
2.  We come from different spiritual backgrounds.
3.  Our personal experience/pain/sorrow/joy influences our writing in vastly different ways.
4.  Some write random stuff as God directs, some are focused on one particular thing.
5.  Some are veterans of the blogosphere, some aren't even started yet and there is everything in between.

We are the same and different but there is this one thing...

The gospel of the kingdom is the key to all of this.

Whether it's fashion, decorating, deep thoughts, counselling...we all want to point our readers to the kingdom where the answers are.

One day God put the thought to create the computer...then made it smaller and accessible to the common household...then internet...and before all of that, he put the desire to communicate with words...

God knew that Allume would come and all of us would want to hang out together and He's smiling over all of it!

He put the scriptures together with over 40 authors and 400 years so I'm thinking 400 writers and 40 hours might accomplish something for the kingdom...don't you?

Gotta go, the van is warm and my honey is anxious to get this show on the road!

Just a reminder...I won't have links on facebook so you may want to subscribe or follow by e-mail so you don't miss anything!!

This post is one in an ongoing series called {31 days of Uncommon Creativity}.  If you'd like to start back at the beginning you can do so by clicking here!  You can find a lot of other 31 day-ers over at Nesting Place. go check it out you may find some great stuff there that is just begging for you to read it!

Grace * Thanksgiving * Joy

You will also find me on:
Facebook:  Lani Fast Wiens
Twitter:  @flowerlady77
Pinterest: lanireneewiens

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