
Friday, November 30, 2012

Five Minute Friday - {Wonder}

It's that day again and I almost missed it...I missed last week and there won't be anymore until next I decided I better take my five minutes to write today, because I love these mad writing parties where I just let 'er rip!!

You are welcome to join, too.  Just write for 5 minutes on the topic of the day and then link up at Lisa Jo's house which you can get to by clicking on that 5 minute Friday button in the sidebar....then go and encourage a couple of great writers by reading their posts!

I'm a little late to the party but I'm pretty sure I have something to say about this one:



Not hard to think about this because my brain is whirling, wondering how I will get that mountain of laundry finished and what I will feed our guests this weekend and I wonder if I'll ever get used to these new progressive lenses that I promised myself I'd wear faithfully but seem to have slipped off my face in the last few minutes.

I wonder how I'll ever figure out budgeting and time management and keeping home and family all on track at the same time.

I wonder.

This morning I made a horrendous mess pulling out all the decorations looking for one thing...and pulling out all the pantry items so that the installer guy could put the new drawers in...and there they were.

The ugliest and sweetest nativity little Tupperware figurines, the only thing that I thought would survive children...and they have for over sixteen years now...and I wonder how we will invite the Christ child in the season.  I want to observe Advent with more wonder than I have before, letting it sink in, this season of keening for the dawn, observing the oracles, repenting and welcoming in the One.

We've been practicing Christmas songs all of November and so the wonder has been building in my spirit and I don't want it to get squelched with all the mess I've prayer this season is to be like my little girl who is singing at the top of her lungs as she cleans her room, "O Come Let Us Adore Him!"



Your turn.


  1. oh, I love the stream of consciousness... just a little peek into your brain, and it looks a little crazy, just like mine!! :)

  2. Hi Lani
    I can only say with you, "Oh, come let us admire Him". I would love to see your Tupperware Xmas decorations and the story behind them! They sound like family heirlooms!
    Have a wonder filled Xmas.

  3. Hi Lani
    I can only say with you, "Oh, come let us admire Him". I would love to see your Tupperware Xmas decorations and the story behind them! They sound like family heirlooms!
    Have a wonder filled Xmas.

  4. "...this season of keening for the dawn, observing the oracles, repenting and welcoming in the One."
    YES! I am in need of repentance in my forgetfulness...of becoming so busy with life, trees, lights, gifts, concerns that the bonus is not enough to "cover" all my needs/wants and yet forgetful that His blood covers all and so he takes care of all that I need and the wants? Yes, those as well as long as they are in line with His "wants".
    A thankful reminder!

  5. "...this season of keening for the dawn, observing the oracles, repenting and welcoming in the One."
    YES! I am in need of repentance in my forgetfulness...of becoming so busy with life, trees, lights, gifts, concerns that the bonus is not enough to "cover" all my needs/wants and yet forgetful that His blood covers all and so he takes care of all that I need and the wants? Yes, those as well as long as they are in line with His "wants".
    A thankful reminder!

  6. Ha this is great! I love the chaos of the moment...the real Lani and the real reason for the season. Worship, worship and worship the King!

  7. Great points! Children make it all so simple. A great reminder to focus on what really matters.


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