
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Have Compassion, with a Focus on Angels!! (pun intended)

Good Morning! This is the last in my series of making your dollars count this Christmas.  Next week we are going to talk about preparing for Advent, getting your house ready (Lord willing) and decorating with a difference.

Make sure you enter the GIVE AWAY.  Since that Rafflecopter thing doesn't seem to be about you enter a comment here today and I'll use my regular scientific methods. For those who did put your name in there, don't worry, I'll get you in, too! (all 2 of you! :)

There are 2 wonderful products from Riverstone Studios available.  Click HERE to see more of their products.  All their products are made with great care and contain no fillers, just pure, natural ingredients!  I use the Silk moisturizer and I love it, my skin likes it, too!!

Today my focus is to remind you of some different kinds of giving that will expand your heart!

November is Angel Tree Month

Imagine what Christmas morning might be like if your mom or dad was in jail.  You may have very little access to that parent and as a child may think that it's your fault or that you parent doesn't love you.  While at Allume we listened to a young woman's testimony who told us what it was like to have an incarcerated parent, and how getting a gift that came from that parent (through the Angel Tree) program made a huge difference in her life.  That young lady is now sharing that testimony with others to encourage them to participate in the program.  It all started with a simple gift.  You purchase a gift for a child on behalf of their incarcerated parent, it's that simple.  ANGEL TREE is a division of Prison Fellowship that id the heart ministry of the late Chuck Colson.

In Canada, go to Prison Fellowship Canada (click to go). You can contact them to find out if there is a program in your area.

In the States, click HERE to participate.  If you don't have a program in your area you can click on the Donate button.

Let's go overseas and think about what Christmas might look like in a developing country.  Giving gifts to our children is important no matter what our location or economic status is.  However, feeding our kids ranks much higher.  The team at Compassion works to do both.  If you haven't done so yet, would you consider giving a gift to your sponsored child this year.  For those you have on your list that already have all they need, consider giving on their behalf to help a family get started in a business, supply much needed medicines, books and other supplies that are hard to come by.  One of our favorite things is supplying the needs of a school classroom instead of giving gifts to individual teachers.

In Canada, you can go to Compassion HERE.

In the States, you can click HERE, to do some giving with a difference.

One more ministry that is close to our hearts is Focus on the Family.  We love the ministry that they have to support families in so many different situations.  You have probably heard their broadcasts or been supported by them in some way whether you are aware of it or not!  Kids of Integrity, Adventures in Odyssey, Parenting Forums, Retreats, Classes, Books and other resources are available through their ministry.  Please consider buying gifts through their catalogue or donate to their ministry so that they can keep doing the amazing work that they do.

In Canada, Focus is HERE.

In the States, click through HERE.

Sidebar:  We visited the Focus on the Family and Compassion International headquarters on a family holiday several years ago!  Such a treat for all of us.  Both are located in Colorado Springs, of our best family vacations ever! Focus on the Family is where I learned about Angel Tree when watching an Adventures in Odyssey's all connected.


  1. Genny2:27 PM

    Love the Angel Tree idea

  2. my kids and I spent our Christmas giving $$ on a gift from the World Vision Catalogue last year - it was such fun to shop together for someone other than ourselves. Love your ideas for this year and I'm sure we will do something similar again!

  3. Good idea! stef4916@ yahoo. com


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