
Monday, November 05, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a little Like Christmas...

Christmas stuff is beginning to take over store aisles and advertising.  It seems to come earlier every year and I can't say that I like it.

I have to admit that over the last few years Christmas hasn't been one of my favourite holidays.  It used to be, but the more commercialized it has become the less I like it.  My kids would make lists and lists and lists and  the 'gimmes' were getting to me.  But I think this about to change...

Earlier this year I felt impressed to make this Christmas different, to teach my kids and myself what it is that is so important about Christmas.  And to go beyond that right through to the celebration of Christ's resurrection.  I wanted to make it very memorable and hopefully meaningful.  Unfortunately, I didn't have a clue where to start.  Then we went to the annual pastor's retreat.

Steve Bell had struggled with the same things I did, dreading Christmas, not sure why.  He dug deep and found his sources and started to deal with the issues that were in his heart.  In so doing, he unwrapped for himself the gift of the advent season.  He shared some of his findings with us at the retreat all wrapped up in beautiful songs that make up his newest album that will be releasing in just a few weeks.  Trust me, you will want to go and purchase Keening for the Dawn as soon as you can.  We received a pre-release copy and it is so beautiful.  Definitely not your regular Christmas album.

My plan over the next few weeks is to share some things that I hope will help you get into the real spirit of Christmas, the Spirit of God!  In two days, I will be helping to launch a beautiful new book that is written by a friend of mine, Katharine Barrett, it is a fabulous family advent reader that I'm sure you will enjoy.  (psst...probably another give-away going to happen there, too!!!)

I will share some of our Christmas traditions.  Probably a give-away or two and some ideas about how you can make your dollars count for more than just stuff under the tree.

I hope you will come along with me as we start to prepare our hearts for the Saviour.

Read the story behind Keening for the Dawn by clicking here.  You can also listen to the title track and order your own copy now!! disclaimer:  he doesn't share the personal bits that he shared with us at the retreat, but really, it's so beautiful...

And to kick off the season of giving...I am going to give away one copy of Keening for the Dawn to one lucky reader!  So of course you will have to leave a comment and I will use my usual highly scientific methods for determining the lucky winner.  Give-away closes on Friday, November 9.

Tell me your favourite holiday smell!  Mine has to do with cinnamon!


  1. Me, Me, Me!!!!! Lani I can not ever get enough of Christmas Music, this is my favorite time of the year! oh, BTW- I miss your sweet face!!! Nancy

  2. My favorite holiday smell has to be the smell of freshly baked spice cookies - gingersnaps or sometimes the raisin spice cookies my mom used to make us!!

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM you make gingersnaps? I have a MAD awesome recipe from Martha Stewart...she gives a secret ingredient...I can share if you like :0)>

    What is this scientific method you speak of Lani??

    Christmas....this "season" for me starts at Thanksgiving and ends sometime in March :0). Yes...I am one of *those* people that leave the HOLIDAY (not Christmas) lights up into spring...and even longer if I can manage to keep them working!

  4. I would love your gingersnap recipe as long as it has a "bite" to it - my hubby likes the ones with a nice sharp flavor!

  5. Sounds like a great album. My favorite smell is evergreen. As an Oregon girl we go into the forest and cut our own tree each Christmas and that fresh evergreen smell is wonderous!!!

  6. I thinks we should start the collection of flowers for the festive of christmas !! Melbourne florist

  7. My highly scientific method involves putting your names in a hat...or something like that! :) Mmmm, gingersnaps!!

  8. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Marilee...I will find it and post it. it is actually on a DVD I have. Pretty much she adds 1-2 T of finely ground black pepper to the mix! it really makes a lovely spicy cookie. I thought it would contradict the other flavors, but it blends nicely!

  9. Since cinnamon and pine were already taken, I'd have to say "apple" (cider simmering on the stove, pie baking in the oven). Blessings to you and yours!


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