
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Testing and James Bond

My brilliant daughter downloaded this app to my ipad because I was extremely frustrated with my inability to post from here without a lot of issues! It would appear that she has given me a least until my WordPress site is operational...but even then, I might just keep this one, who knows, I'm a little sentimental!

Now that her brain is functioning almost normally again I can get her to work on the WordPress site, too!

Hope you have a great day, I'm a little tired after our trip to the city. Just so you know she is fine. The chest pain was caused by inflamation in her chest wall due to the bronchitis, her heart is just fine! Yay!

We went to see the new James Bond movie...I was so disappointed with the actor they chose to play Bond...he was so NOT tall, dark, handsome and debonair. What were they thinking?

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